[2] A suprising discovery.

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Startled and shocked I look at Albus while his face leans on the edge of the oversized chair in the office of mister Humiston. To be honest I found his office quite scary, I mean look at all those marvelous creatures in formaldehyde, who were by the way placed in way too small pots but that wasn't even the scariest part yet, no, because if you looked to your the right you couldn't miss his 'proud', a gigantic painting of mister Humiston himself. No, mister Humiston couldn't get more egoistic than this.

'Miss Millet and mister Potter, you two are in big trouble' Walerd said with a silly voice, as if we weren't in the first place. Ugh, Walerd always favored wizards from Slytherin his 'pearls' as he called them. Why he hated Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw in the first place was for most of us an unanswered question but not for me. Mister Humiston always had a gigantic fascination for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and was more than happy to see the last teacher of Potions retire. I remember Myrion telling me he burned down Slughorn his nameplate on his first day of work.

'You two need to understand I don't take this for granted and as a result I have to deduct points for Gryffindor and Hufflepuf'. 'Nevertheless you two also have to pay-y'. A loud knock, my heart bounced on the rhythm. 'Mister Humiston can-an I speak you for a minute?' a girl asked with curly red hair and perky glasses. Albus and I are looking at her suggestive, she seems quite familiar but I can't place it. 'Yes, I do have some time, mister Potter and Miss Millet stay where you are we will continue our conversation in a couple minutes'.

The door closes. 'Quick, we don't have much time left Maddie' Albus says with a stuttering voice. Oh bloody biscuits, wait what do I, I mean w-we have to do?, I say with a nervous voice. In that moment I could read Albus his face. He was on something but I couldn't even finish my sentence and he already grabbed the bottle with the etiquette 'hiccoughing' on it. He sniffed it. 'Maddie, I'm pretty su-re this is NOT hiccoughing, this is something way more powerful, I believe this is a blood-sucking bugbear as it is alive, drowning in greasy blood'. Albus are you out of your mind put that down! It will both hurt us. 'In which way?' he replied. 'We need to investigate this dubious discovering and if we find enough evidence we can talk with Minerva '. My brain began to hurt, processing all this information at once. The door opened. My heart stopped. We were caught weren't we? I looked at the bottle of hiccoughing and sigh, it was on the right spot.

Later that day. 'Albus how did you move that bottle that quickly we were almost caught!'. 'I used Wingardium Leviosa to move the bottle what did you think?' (Stupid Maddie stupid). I felt like we had to search some information about those blood-sucking bugbears, my gut was telling me to. And where can you find the most information about magical creatures? Exactly the Hogwarts Library. Tomorrow would be the day. I smiled to Albus and went to herbology.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these pictures since they are drawn by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. I only use these for illustrative purposes of the story.

Floating books everywhere, students sweating

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Floating books everywhere, students sweating. Yeah, this had to be the library. To be honest I didn't visit the Hogwarts Library that often. Only if I had a test and I would look something up in here. 'Albus do you know which book we have to find?'. 'Actually a friend of mine suggested that we should look into Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them by Newt Scamander' (Albus was right you could indeed find a lot of information about magical creatures in there). 'It should be somewhere at the section of magical creatures'. English.. Europe.. Experimentus.. Fatigue.. Fantastic.. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them! Here it is, said Albus in a hurry as we did something that we shouldn't do according to the law. Well, don't wait later search for the blood s-uck-ing b. 'Mad-die there is a note in here'. Albus how dare you to interrupt me. Albus turned around and showed me the note written in black ink.

'The Blood-sucking bugbear isn't in here. Go to the restricted section and look for the book 'deathly magical creatures' written by Albus Dumbledore. -ES' 

I was shocked. This could only mean one thing. Someone was helping us, but who and why? Could it be mister Humiston? No, he wouldn't even take the effort to write something like that. Maybe Myrion? No, I didn't even talk with her about it.

'Well, you read it Maddie lets go to the restricted area'. 'Nice idea Albus, so original of you'. 'But how are we going to go to there without them noticing us?'. 'Maddie we just use the invincibility cloaks just like our parents did'. As if I didn't thought of that. Sigh, Albus always underestimates me.

As fast as I know we run into the door with the name 'restricted section' on it. I grab my wand and I spell Alohomora! Yes, the doors opens and I see a really dark hallway almost as nobody visited it in years. 'Alb-bus I'm quite scared, do you know where we have to go?' (In fact, I knew Albus went to the restricted section quite often because he always tried to study more information than the textbook gave). 'Of course I know where to go, we have to go to the section with Animals on it'. 'Right, left, right and than walk down that alley'.

The paints laughed at me, at least that is what it looked like at a night like this. At one point I almost convinced Albus I saw a ghost. Is that Peeves, I asked? Albus shook his head.

'Wait isn't this the book we need?'. 'It says 'magical creatures' by Albus Dumbledore?'. Albus blew on the book, dust coming off. 'Oh now it says deathly magical creatures?'. 'Maddie it says the only place blood-sucking bugs are in forests and specially the forbidden forest'. His voice echoed. I looked behind me. Did I just saw a ghost again? No, it couldn't be. Peev-ves is this you?, I said with a trembling voice. No it couldn't be. 'He-hello are you alive miss Millet?'. 'Oh, yeah, I was just looking at something'. 'No wonder you didn't pass one year' Albus said with a silly voice. Not cool, totally not cool. 'We should go to Hagrid and ask if we can visit the forbidden forest'. 'Sounds nice mister Potter but as far as I know the forbidden forest also contains some creatures like wolves, unicorns, bowtruckles and some centaurs. I still want to live so shouldn't it be smart to bring someone with us?'. 'Maybe Hagrid but how? We couldn't tell him about our plan, we had to make up a good list'. 'Jus-st tell him we want to search a special plant for Herbology'. The plan had been made. At least that is what I thought. And I only could imagine what would find there. In a forest like this. The next day I would go to Hagrid, it was already late. I smell like books.

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