The game of life:
Rolling dice, movement of pieces on the board of life.
Rolling the dice is simple and easy.
Moving your piece is complicated and hard.
People come and go, new pieces every day.
The game stays fresh and the game is always different.
No matter what you want, the dice keep rolling. The pieces keep moving.
The game of failure and success. The game of life and death.
Money, greed, power and hate. People, trust, freedom and love.
Life has two faces, the good and the bad. The dice has two faces, the negative and the positive.
You have one life, one face. You don't need a dice, you don't need control.
The sweet taste of freedom, while locked up by the system of life.
Closed eyes and a closed mind.
Fail to see and you are moved around like a pawn ready to die for the king.
Be the king and leave the dice for others.