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Evan growled at the sophomore, "What do you want?" The sophomore cowered in fear since Evan never really talked in school.

"Um, um, nothing..." The sophomore was sweating under Evan's gaze. Students began to crowd around, but one glare from Evan made everyone walk away.

"Forget it." Evan stepped back scowling, "Not worth beating you up. Now go, before I change my mind." Evan threatened, and the sophomore practically ran out of there as fast as he could. Any person would've gotten excited that Evan talked to them, but it was never for the right reasons. Evan sighed and tilted his head back, closing his eyes. He's been stressed a lot lately.

"Nice going there Evan." A familiar voice greeted him. He looked up, and walked over, ruffling his hair.

"Hey Jere, yeah, it's just.."

"I know," Jeremy cut him off, understanding. He stood against the wall with Evan, waiting for the other two. "It's just we worry about you ya know." Jeremy looked down at his feet, hands in his pockets. His hair covered his face, just how he wanted it.

"Hey!" A new voice greeted the hall. She ran down to them, breathing heavily. "Yeah, I'm late, Lizzie took a long time."

"Hey, that hurt." Lizzie said, moving her hand over her heart pretending to be hurt.

"But this will hurt more!" Kailee mused.

"What-" But before Lizzie could finish, Kailee punched her in the gut. Hard.

"Ow! What the heck was that for!" Lizzie bent over, clutching her stomach. Kailee almost fell from laughing.

"Oh, shut it, we've experienced worse." Evan said. That shut Lizzie up. He starting to walk down the hall. The bell had rang a couple minutes ago, so they were late.

The rest of the gang started to follow him.

"We have a fight today." Jeremy said so quietly, they almost missed it.

"What?" Evan turned around, making them stop in their tracks. Even his siblings were slightly afraid of him.

"I said, we have a fight today." Jeremy said louder.

"And when do you make the decisions?" Evan threatened, his voice echoing in the empty halls.

"When did you get to control me?" Jeremy shot back at him.

Evan clenched his fist, and was going to throw a punch at him when Kailee caught his fist merely seconds before it hit Jeremy's face.

"He's your brother. He's the youngest now. You're supposed to protect him the most." Kailee said, looking straight ahead, "and that fight, it's against one of the Tevs. I'm in." Kailee let go of Evan's fist and continued walking forward to their black Maserati.

"I'm s-sorry." Jeremy quickly muttered, and followed Kailee. Evan stood, dumbfounded. All of them never apologized. Never. They would've rather died than give an apology. Lizzie gave Evan a pat on the shoulder and followed Jeremy.

"Me too." Evan whispered, a tear quietly sliding down his cheek from what Kailee said. "He's the youngest now. You're supposed to protect him the most." He quickly wiped the tear away, and followed the rest back to their car.

"How was school?" Kailee asked her siblings on the way home, she got a variety of responses.

"Aggravating." Evan said. As always.

"Gross." Lizzie said. As usual.

"Boring." Jeremy said. Of course.

No one said a word after that. Once they got back to their mansion, they all silently entered their home, leaving to do their own thing. Evan went to the basement to get rid of his anger by working out, once again. Kailee, the only one who cared about school anymore, went up to her room to do her homework. Lizzie went to order takeout for dinner, since they didn't really cook much, but Evan. Even then, Evan refused to cook since it reminded him of Lilly too much. Jeremy went into the cave in the basement to play video games.

After about an hour, Evan finally came up, sweating like crazy. Lizzie looked up, wrinkling her nose.

"You need a shower." She said, sniffing the air, "I can smell you from here."

"Yeah, but you need to brush your hair," He pointed out, pointing to her messy hair.

"I know, but you need the bathroom more than I do, so go take a shower, dog." Lizzie teased.

"Don't call me a dog, cat." He stuck out his tongue at her, and went upstairs to take a shower.

"It's 8 o'clock guys." Jeremy called upstairs.

"Coming!" Lizzie and Kailee yelled in unison.

Evan walked downstairs in their signature outfit. A hoodie, jeans, converses, and a glare to finish it off. Evan had a dark green hoodie while Jeremy had a black one, Kailee had a navy blue one, and Lizzie had a violet one. They were pretty smart, dark colored hoodies in the night, this would make them unrecognizable. 

"E-Evan, what're you doi-" Jeremy stuttered, but Evan cut him off.

"Can't let my little bro get killed now can we?" Evan smiled. Something he rarely does. Jeremy smiled back, and Evan ruffled his hair.

"Now, let's get on with this." Evan signaled everyone to follow.


Evan turned off the ignition, and they walked out into Central Park.

"We're fighting for territory." Jeremy whispered. This made Evan snarl at the gang on the opposite side of the park.

"The Tevs." Kailee whispered with disgust.

"And we're outnumbered." Lizzie replied, strategizing.

"12 to us four." Jeremy said with hatred.

Evan cracked his knuckles, gaining the attention of the other gang.

"This is gonna be fun." Evan smirked which surprised the three.

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