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I woke up and went to go shower, I washed my hair with rose petal scent shampoo and conditioner along with mango scented body wash. I got out and dried my body and hair then straightened my hair. I put on black fishnet leggings and shorts with an oversize Kiss band t-shirt with red lipstick and black combat boots. I picked up my phone and headed to Starbucks to grab a coffee before we have to check out of the hotel.

Once I got there, I saw Dean Ambrose.  "Hey your Sophia right?" he said walking up towards me. "Yep and your Dean Ambrose?" I said jokingly. "Yea" he said laughing. "So are you heading to the arena now?" I said walking out of Starbucks with him. "Yea are you?" he asked holding the door open for me. "Thanks... and yea I have my first appearance and match tonight in Raw" I said. "I know you'll do great, don't worry, with the skills I've seen on you, you have nothing to worry about" he said.

"Thanks, your pretty skilled yourself" I said laughing. "Thanks" he said smiling. We walked back to the hotel while talking about tonight. He walked me to my door and asked," Do you have a ride to the arena?" Before I got to answer a voice already did for me. "Yea, she's riding with me." Roman said while walking towards us. "Oh... well I'll see you at the arena Sophia" Dean said smiling while walking away. "So will you let me take you?" Roman said getting closer to him. "Sure" I said smiling. "Great... we'll be leaving in 10 minutes" he said walking away.

I got my stuff together and walked down to the lobby. I saw Roman on his phone. I walked up to him and he looked up and smiled, putting his phone away. "You ready?" he asked. "yea" I said smiling. He took my bags from me. "I got the-" "No, a gentlemen always carries a woman's bag" he said smiling. I shook my head in approval and walked out with him.

We got in his car and he started driving to the next city. I put on shook me all night long on my phone and plugged my aux cord into his ford explorer and turned it on. Roman laughed when Kiss came on. "you got good taste in music" he said looking over at me. "I know" I said laughing. after a moment of silence with just the music playing he asked me a question I wasn't ready for. "So about last night... what did you think about it?" "About what?" I asked. "The kiss? How did you feel about me kissing you?" he asked stopping at a red light. "Well... it wasn't terrible" I said smiling. He smirked and continued driving. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing... it's just I didn't think you would like a guy like me kissing you." he said.

"what do you mean a guy like you?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. " A bad boy, the guy everyone hates... well other than Ambrose, everyone is basically scared of me" he said looking at the road. "Well you don't scare me... in fact, I think your attractive and not scary. I might just have a bodyguard on my hands" I said smirking looking at him. He turned to me and smiled. "Only for you beautiful" he said chuckling.

When we got to the arena, I went to my room to get changed. I got in my ring gear and went to go get a bottle of water.

I was walking to the catering when an arm wrapped around my shoulder

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I was walking to the catering when an arm wrapped around my shoulder. "So how was the ride with Roman?" Dean said. "It was okay, but don't tell him, I wish it was you" I said jokingly. "Not nice" he said laughing. He automatically stopped laughing and drew his arm from my shoulders staring across from me. I turned to see Roman giving him what looked like a death stare. If looks could kill, he would be 10 feet under.

"Well, I'm gonna go" he said ruffling my hair. "okay" I said laughing while he walked away. I fixed my hair and continued walking. Roman walked up to me. "So can I ask you a question?" he said. "Sure" I said. "Is there something going on with you and Ambrose?" he asked. I looked at him stupidly. "What no, we talk and hang out, that's all" I said. "Mmhm" he said while walking away. Okay weird.

I got to the stage and music played .

I'm a wild child sittin on my throne, going all out, going for broke

I went up to the ring with my opponent, Brie Bella.

I won my match surprisingly and there's no harsh disagreements between me and Brie so we are okay. I went to go knock on Deans door when I heard a deep voice. "Stay away from her Ambrose, we might be friends, but you and no one else is going to stop me from having her or is going to take her from me. She's mine and always will be!" Roman? I knocked on the door and Roman asked "Who is it?" he seemed pissed. "Umm, it's Sophia" I said. "Oh come in" he said in a softer voice. I opened the door to see Roman and Dean standing next to each other, "You ready to go?" Roman asked. I looked back at Dean and he nodded his head. "Yea" I said. He smiled and wrapped am arm around my waist while walking out with me. All I could think about is, why would Roman say that... no... threaten Dean?

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