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Fridays were  great. We were sitting in the courtyard at school eating lunch. Fate flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and sighed.She always smiled though, even when she cried. She was so great. She was 5'3 at the most and had to look up at me. Everyone around us went dead quiet. I groaned.

Three perfect boys walked up. They had light blonde hair and gorgeous green eyes. They all looked really bored.

Everyone thought they were perfect. Not Fate and I. My eyes wandered back to Fate's face, which was staring at the boys. The boys stared intently at her. A small smile crept on her face and they nodded in her direction.

"What was that?" I asked Fate.

"Hmm. Nothing." she said, her eyes on me.

"We hate them! Remember?" I nearly yelled.

"Maybe there not so bad." Fate whispered. "Come on Julie. Time for class." I ran away from her in anger. We've always hated them. Jared, Dylan, and Riley were nothing but snobs.

Maybe there not so bad, a voice im my head whispered. Of course they were bad.


English passed by in a blur and so did Social Studies. I got detention because I wasn't paying attention in class. When the bell rang I made my way out to  the courtyard to find Fate. Red roses and white lilies covered the wall. Fate ran at me, and halted in front of me.

"I can't take you home today." I said at the same time she said "I am not going home with you today."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Somebody offered me a ride. It would be rude to decline." she said.

"Polite as ever." I commented. She shrugged and told me she'd see me tomorrow. We had plans at the mall. I was excited.

I made my way to detention where Mr. Leditire was waiting.

"Young lady there will be one hour of silence starting now." he said.

I ran to my seat and slumped. I looked out the window where it was slightly rainig. That's where I saw them. Fate was walking towards Riley, Jared, and Dylan. She got in there car and they drove off without a word. How could she?

I sat fuming until Mr. Leditire told me I could go. As soon as I got in my car I called Fate. She picked up after the fourth ring. I put my key in the ignition but it didn't start.  Giving up, I decided to walk home. Sadly, the rain was picking up.

I heard some laughter in the backround as Fate said "Hello?"

"How dare you ride with them?"

"Julie, I-"

"What could make you do it?"


"Some best friend you are."

"Shut up Julie!" Fate yelled. "It's impossible to explain. I am not going to our mall thing this weekend, I have a...Family thing."

"Okay." I said, not forgiving her yet."Bye!"

She hung up.

I drove into my driveway and got on FaceBook.

Fate has updated her page. My computer beeped.

I opened up her page.

There was no pictures of me and her now, just her and....


Those freaks. Dylan, Riley, Jared.

How could she?

But the freaky thing was...

They were all pale.

And Fate wasn't smiling.


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