Love Vs Desserts

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Chapter 1: Avery Tason

"Emilia Faron! Why the hell are you frying oreos? Oreos are meant to be eaten with milk!" I said with anguish.

How is my best friend frying oreos? It is disgusting and intolerable! I love oreos and she is ruining it for me. What a great best friend... but it does smell good. 

"Yes, Ave, I am frying oreos, and it is good! I tried it before," Emily said.

"You are disgusting, and I really worry about your taste. You are a patissiere for god sake. I bet Mrs. Bake would be disappointed of you," I said with disgust.

Yeah I know, Mrs. Bake is such a cool name for our teacher in our patissiere university.

Emily and I are patissieres in training as you can say it. We have been friends forever and I mean like forever. Our family are best friends too. I am so jealous of her beauty, her blonde curls are always perfect even after cooking. It is unfair, mine would just lay limp or so I think. Her eyes are navy blue. Navy blue! My favourite color, it just reminds me of the ocean abit.

My hair is more of a mix of brown and blonde and I have green eyes. It is the only good feature of my face. It is kind of pretty, and I am not bragging for your information.

Emily and I always wanted to be patissieres when we grew up. It started on the day when my grandma who was a famous patissiere baked this delicious red velvet cake for us. From that day onwards, both of us wanted to be patissieres as great as my grandma. But we are progressing abit, well I think from deep frying oreos, Emily gone down a level. I know I am such a good friend.

As you can see, I love desserts especially red velvet cake, brownies and anything that is sweet. But I do really worry that I could get diabetes, but lets just cross our fingers. 

What is taking Emily so long? This is our assignment that was due tomorrow. Apparently, Mrs. Bake assigned us to make an interesting recipe with oreos with our partners and write a report about it. I just don't know about deep frying oreos. 

"Emily!! Emily!! Where da hell are you?" I screamed while walking around my mansion. Oh yeah! I forgotten a fact, my family is rich and so is Emily's family. Emily is my neighbor afterall. 

"Emily! Emily!!" I shouted again, when I saw a shadow in the living room.

"Oh there you are.." she said while munching on a plate of deep fried oreos.

I narrowed my eyes. God she is so annoying sometimes, but the oreos do look good. No Avery DON'T GIVE IN! Ugh! I can't help it, I have to eat something sweet now!

"GIve me those oreos now! " I demanded.

"UH... NO! I thought you said it was disgusting. So don't eat it!" Emily smirked and munched on another oreo.

Oh no! It is going to be finished soon. I tackled her on the ground and reached to get an oreo from the plate. VICTORY! Emily is so lame sometimes. I laughed evilly and tried the creepily oily oreo.

OH my god......

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