Chapter Two

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(Rian's POV)

I heard the three gasp and lightly chuckled

Levi had a look of anger on his face and replied

"And if I refuse?" Erwin smirked stood up looked at me to which I nodded and I saw them flinch thinking I was going to do something but I wasn't. I kept my composure this time and didn't laugh or chuckle but i did crack a small smile but they couldn't see that due to my hood to which I have yet to take off, I started talking

"The Military Police will have you, and I can tell you right now that they won't treat you nicely. The beating I gave you would be one thousand times worse you're lucky I was holding back. To be fair with your crimes they would probably kill you" My voice has changed a lot over the years so I could tell by their faces they were a little shocked to hear a slightly cheerful voice considering I beat the living shit out of Levi.

I chuckled and Levi gave me a glare to which I kicked him in the stomach

"Okay thats enough. Choose whichever you prefer." Levi coughed and then shook the water and hair from his face

"Fine, i'll join the Survey Corps"

"You can take your hood off now" Erwin said to me considering I was the only one to still have a hood on my head

"Fine just because they complied" I pulled my hood of slowly just to tease them but Erwin gave me the hurry up look

I heard two loud gasps and a choke of breath

"What not happy to see me?" I chuckled and Isabel looked as if she was about to cry and turned to Levi who was also recovering from my unveil. She turned back to me and shouted

"Why did you abandon us, I though we were family" I looked at her then looked at Levi directly in they eye and said

"So did I" Her and Farlan looked at me the Levi confused

"Ill explain when we get out of here" I said turning back to face Erwin nodding and using my gear to get to the entrance of the underground and walking up the stairs I can hear wires then footsteps be hind me and I know its Mike because I can hear him smelling the air. I turn around looking at him then laughing

"I know its horrible right?" Mike looked at me then hugged me I hugged back

"You did well today. You nearly beat him to pulp if Erwin didn't tell you to stop"

"I wasn't sure I would have been able to stop if it wasn't for him, also thanks for slamming his head on the floor the constant glares he was giving me was annoying" We laughed and Erwin came up the stairs with Levi still handcuffed

"And people call us the love birds"

"You know you love me" I winked at him, he rolled his eyes

"Yeah and you love me too" I gave him the gross face

"Ew, okay maybe a little" Then gave him my signature wink and walked off the my horse. I could still feel them glaring at my back as I mounted my horse I tired round and winked at them, then shouted

"Im heading straight back, to report what's happened here later arseholes" Giving them all a wink I kicked my horse and went at full speed back to the base.

(Levi's POV)

Im still in shock I can't believe its him, to be completely honest I thought he was going to die on the first expedition or maybe not even make it but here he is, Commander Eyebrows says that he's also a Commander and I could have laughed. When he left he was so weak and couldn't even land a hit on me. He was so short and scrawny now he's extremely tall and really muscular. But now I think about when we used to spar you can tell he was holding back because he was nearly able to beat the living shit out of me.

Isabel still hasn't forgiven him for leaving, she doesn't know that I kicked him out. I still feel a little bad for not telling her but she probably would have tried to go after Rian and I didn't need another person in my life walking out on me.

How he speaks has changed a lot he seems happy and he fits in with them more than he did when he was with us he never got involved with anything we did. But we are criminals and he was always a good boy, never seeing what we were doing as anything good.


I wonder if he still sings, he used to sing so I would go to sleep. I was so angry when he left, when he abandoned us. Now I'm thinking about what he said whilst looking at Levi. Why was he angry at Levi. Why did Levi look a little sad when he said it he abandoned us right?


Levi needs to tell Isabel the truth now that we're working with Rian, I always knew Rian's dream about joining the Survey Corps and I never judge him. I actually told him to make his dream reality and he did and I'm so proud of him but I can't show it in front of Isabel and Levi at least not yet when Isabel knows I think she'd be happy for him too.

Underground Thug to Commander (Attack on Titan seme male story)Where stories live. Discover now