Chapter 15

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I sat in my bed, the sun had not risen yet, but I had woken from a dreamless sleep and could no longer go back to sleep. As a child whenever I would face a sleepless night I would always wake my father, he would make me honey lemon tea, and we would read together for hours, not realizing the day had set in until my mother would stumble into the living room mumbling about us being creepily alike. Tears sprung to my eyes at the beautiful memories I had shared with my parents, for that was all I had now, just memories I would never get to spend more time with my parents create new memories. I wiped my tears with the sleeves of pyjamas, so sick of crying, I was so weak, the complete contradiction to the strong girl my parents had always thought me to be. My parents always thought of me as courageous, and it was time I began to act upon their perception. The next time I saw Alaricus Knight I wouldn't let him escape me without speaking to him, I would demand for him to let me go home.

With that resolve I slipped out of bed quietly, trying not to wake all the supernatural beings that lived in this house that could be woken by the slightest of noises.

I went into my closet, grabbing a fluffy robe to wear over my pyjamas, before tip toeing out of my room and to the library. I would continue with my odd traditions, even if I had to tweak them for the special circumstances.

I snuck into the kitchen signing in relief when I saw no one, nobody should have the displeasure of seeing my blotchy puffy face in the morning. It was easy to tell I had just cried and the staff were too caring for their own good, they would ask many questions.

I bustled about the kitchen making a kettle of honey lemon tea, trying to make the least amount of noise possible. I grabbed a little cup from the vast sets of tea china, pouring the steaming hot tea in the smell of it bringing a smile to my face.

I quietly made my way to library, opening the large door slowly and slipping in through the small opening I had managed to make in the door while sipping my tea.

I turned away from the door after carefully pressing it closed and what I saw almost made me drop my cup.

Alaricus Knight sat in one of the large couches, looking every bit the king he was, despite his casual attire and messily strewn hair, some strands dropping forward onto his forehead making him appear younger than he was. A book lay open on his lap, his scorching honey brown eyes stared intently at me, his lips pursed slightly.

"Morning Amara." His deep velvety voice rang out in the library seeming to resonate despite how quiet it was.

"Morning" I replied meekly, walking towards the books, my nerves in knots, only this morning I had made up my mind to speak to him but now actually seeing him had unnerved me. I pretended to concentrate on the books but watched him from the corner of my eyes, he seemed perplexed as he sat in his seat, his fists tightly gripping the side rests of the chair as his eyes were trained on my every movement.

He made a move to get up, and I waited for him to approach me, my breath caught in my throat, but like always he made his way towards the door like he usually did recently, and I didn't hesitate. The rush of the moment having me calling out his name before I could give my decision a second thought.

"Alaricus." His hand was at the door knob by now, but he froze his back tensing, he turned towards me slowly his scorching gaze turning my nerves into a jumbled mess again.

He stared at me waiting for me to elaborate, and I took a deep breath, taking a sip of my tea to waste time.

"Can we talk?" I asked hesitantly, and he nodded solemnly slowly walking towards me, and I stayed frozen in my spot, trying to gather my jumbled thoughts.

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