Chapter 3

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I groaned as the sun creeped into the tent. Damn it. I crawl out, only to see Loki leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.

"Why the hell are  you looking at me like that?" I growled towards him. He just smirked.

"Well I was trying to sleep but it's impossible with all that screaming you do," he huffed lazily as he turned away from me.

I glanced down toward my wrist, only to see a glimpse of the tattoo. I thought I stopped screaming in my sleep long ago. Luckily it didn't get out of hand like it did last time.

I growled at myself before picking up and swinging my sword over my shoulder.

"I know you want them dead." Loki stated, breaking my train of thought.

"What?" I snarled, my voice harsher then intended.

He laughed slightly and grinned, making my stomach do flips.

"Your mind is a complex thing, yet I managed to get one thing out of it. Hydra and S.H.E.I.L.D. That's all it calls for, revenge." He growled the last part.

I draw my sword quickly and lit it on fire as I point it to his throat. "You know nothing, you may believe you're a god but that doesn't mean you can't die," I snarl before putting my sword away and sassily stalking off.


Thud! My sword collides with the tree for what seems to be the billionth time, anger and irritation frothing beneath my exterior.

"Stupid ass." Thud! "Doesn't know what he's saying." Smack! "Oh, suuure he's all sassy-" Smash! "-sexy- asshole- dammit- why me!" I growl, embedding my sword into the tree and taking a few steps back to survey my work.

Somehow, the cuts in the tree reminded me of the patterns near where Loki beamed down or something.

That only pissed me off more, so I incinerated the tree before heading back to pack up.

When I get there, though, the camp is all packed up and ready to go.

"The hell is this?" I mutter, telekenising my bag over to me.

"You were taking a while." Loki shrugged, his bag already on his shoulder. "Shall we?"

I cuss under my breath, causing Loki to chuckle as we start off.


After what felt like a century of travelling with this asshole, we finally get to our safe-house.

Walking up to the door in a tired fashion, I knock lightly so as not to seem like a cop. We wait a few seconds before the door swings open, a person I know well standing before us.

Ember, my long-standing friend rushes us inside with no question as to who the fuck this is.

Her nose-ring catches the light, dyed red hair gleaming. "So, Kalsi. What have you gotten yourself into this time?" She questions, turning to look at me.

I chuckle, finally feeling safe as I drop my bag just beside the door, Loki following suite.

"Good to see you again, Ember. Nothing happened, we just need to bunker down for a few days. Loki, this i my friend Ember. Ember, this is Loki. I found him a few days ago, he's a god apparently. Long story. Anywho, do you mind an extra person housing with us?" I question.

"Yeah, as long as he doesn't mind a couch. There's only one guest bed, reserved for Kalsi."

I smile gratefully. "Thanks, bro. Knew I could always count on you."

She smiled slightly as she motioned me over to the kitchen/armoury. She pressed a few hidden button here an there revealing snipers, knives, grenades, and everything in between.  

I squeal like a girl on Christmas as I a grinned from ear to ear, I walked right towards the snipers and pick up the biggest one I saw. I slung it across my shoulder so now it balanced on my back like my sword.

I grab a few grenades and another dagger placing it in my boot, you never know what could happen.

"Thanks Ember, you always know what I like." I gestured towards the new equipment I have.

She smiled. "It's nothing Kalsi. I know what you went through. I also know what your plan is and all I can do is wish you luck." She patted me on the back, making me flinch ever so slightly.

She removed her hand and looked down at the floor before back towards me. I gave a weak smile. "It's fine Ember, but I don't believe in luck. Because if I did, I wouldn't be here. Luck for me, ran out years ago" I whispered the last part.

I left Ember in the kitchen as I found Loki staring out the window, "What'cha looking at?" I asked him.

He turned his head towards my direction. It almost looked like he was going to break down as he responded with a boring "Ah. nothing mort- I mean Kalsi. I was just weighing our options." Before turning back towards the window.

"I know what we're going to do, but you Loki, don't piss him off ok?" I said.

He chuckled slightly. "Oh, and who may that be?" He asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and turned to him. "The Winter Solider. We need him to get our-my revenge. Last I heard he got recaptured by Hydra, in, well... Russia. Now, again Loki- Don't. Piss. Him. Off. Got it?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He hesitated before chuckling quietly. "Let's go to Russia"

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