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It all started with a boy named Setsuna Alvionzio. Setsuna has a sister Alvionzio Anna or Anna in short. Setsuna doesnt know what his family background is.
Setsuna then believes in "there is no such thing as family" but Anna on the other hand was positive that family is about Joy, Love and Care.

Anna walked up to Setsuna and said "there is nothing to fear my brother, I will always be here for you" then Anna smiled. Setsuna was laughing and said "hmmm.... let me just watch Anna."

One day they came across a guy with a knife then stabbed someone in the stomach no one was in sight but Setsuna and Anna.While Anna is in charge with first aid Setsuna chased the guy and the guy was trying to stab Setsuna.Setsuna's prowess in dodging, the guy stab him in the stomach then Setsuna punched him in the face. While someone was calling the police and ambulance, the guy fell to the ground and was unconsious when fhe police and ambulance arrive. Immediately Setsuna looked Anna and said "Are you alright? nothings wrong with you?" Anna responded "I'm alright brother but the man he was stabbed" Setsuna responded "Yeah his alright I punched him right in his face, his with the police."

While they were talking the man who got stabbed said "Thank you for saving my life who are you two?" Anna replied"Hi I'm Anna and this is my brother Setsuna" as they were talking the guy said "Hi I'm William Wordsworth and I'm a little lost umm... I mean I'm literally lost umm... can you help me?" Setsuna and Anna together said"SURE!". And so they help William and took him home.
While walking home with William Anna saw a poor puppy Anna said to Setsuna"Can I take care of this puppy please?" Setsuna replied"Sure but you'll take good care of him?"Anna replied"Sure" with a smile on her face. And so they walked up into the woods and got home.
While Setsuna was cooking,Anna said"Brother is it done already!"Setsuna replied"Almost little sis!"as Setsuna was Done cooking Anna said"Is it done bro?"Setsuna replied"Yup sis just a sec,just ready the plate for me please."Anna replied"Sure bro.".

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