Homecoming Vol.4

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Next day,Setsuna and Anna were going for grocery to buy somethings for them and for the dogs,Setsuna said"What's for Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner and Oh snack tomorrow?"Anna said"What're you saying bro?"Setsuna replied"Nothing"Anna said"Alrighty then,oh sweet snack's let's go bro huhu!"Setsuna replied with a calm voice"Alright alright"then smiled.

When they came Anna expected that they would see Zinc and Valentine but what the saw was they're classmate Keish Anne,Keish's story was"She was going home when she remembered they had an project for the school,So shall we go and do that project Anna and Setsuna"Anna and Setsuna said"Alright".

So they gathered they're materials together,Setsuna said"So we'll be doing a shelf for the school?"Keish replied"Yup and it's gotta be recycled and stylish"then laughted as William opened the door and the dogs came running in to Setsuna and Anna.

Then Keish remembered that they have one last member of they're group that hasn't yet returned after Keish told her classmate to buy a cartolina as someone came knocking at the door,then Setsuna said"I'll open it!"Anna and Keish said"Alrighty!"as Setsuna laughed,then Setsuna Opened the door and laughed at Issei Hyoudo and said"Well what happened to you Issei?"as Issei shivered as it was raining,Setsuna gave a towel to Issei and told"Why are you late were on the middle of the project"Issei replied"Well I got lost in your village and rained as I didn't know IT will rain"Setsuna and Anna laughed while Keish was hungry and said"I'm a little bit hungry"as Setsuna got to the kitchen then said"The food's ready!"then Setsuna prepared the food and plates as Anna said"Lets eat!"Setsuna replied"Don't eat too much but ofcourse share"as Setsuna ate he didn't notice something was going out.

Then they slept as Issei and Keish said"Were going home"Setsuna and Anna Replied"Goodnight and goodluck tomorrow."
The next morning Setsuna ate a bread as he watched the news and said"Sis!No classes today"as Anna ran down,she said"Really!Really!Really!"as Setsuna got to the stairs Anna slipped and fell down to Setsuna,then said"Careful next time alright Anna"Anna Replied"Sure bro cus I was too excited"as Setsuna and Anna stood up Valentine suddenly jumped on Anna and gave a letter,it said"We've been thinking that you and your brother/sister will write a small story but you'll think what you would do in that story so we'll be helping you and giving you letters for somethings
-Wilbert Nowel"as Anna asked"Where did this came from?"Setsuna replied"I'd thought it was from our principal but it's not his writings but for now let's eat cus the food is gonna be cold"Anna replied"Sure but first let me help'ya there"as they ate they remembered someone very special because his birthday was today as William came and got some cupcakes for dessert and asked"Hey guys isn't it alittle late for you guys to be going for school?"as they replied"We don't have classes today but we'll visit some friends"as they walked they remembered someone would came at their house,then rushed back they saw a friend,Anieshta Avion the most popular girl at school that has alittle secret(She has a crush on Setsuna)but she will never say it to anyone but his brother who has a crush on Anna,as Setsuna said"Wait...what are you doing here Anieshta?"Anieshta replied"I'll just say that I'll be your neighbor for 3 years with my family so I'll explore a little at your beautiful home so...can you guide me anywhere?"Setsuna and Anna replied"Sure thing Anieshta!"as they pointed the ways,shortcuts,and neighbors,when they came to their house Setsuna saw a beautiful sunset,Anieshta said"I going home guys Oh!And Thank you for all!"Setsuna Replied"Your welcome!"as Anna said"Another day ended"Setsuna replied"Yeah but let's go sis it's been a long day"Anna replied"Sure bro let's go inside and I wan't a warm bath"as Anna was done she wore pajamas Setsuna was finished on they're food he said"Everyone food's Ready!"

As they were done Anna said"Bro goodnight"Setsuna replied"Goodnight sis"Setsuna washed the plates as Anna readied the bed then Setsuna walked up the stairs Anna opened the door Setsuna said"Oh sis why didn't you sleeped yet?"Anna replied"It wasn't cozy without you bro"Setsuna replied"Alright alright let's take a nap sis"as they closed the lights.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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