Locked Away.

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My head spun with a light fuzziness as my eyelids felt extremely heavy and droopy giving me a hard time trying to open them. My body felt very achy and sensitive as if someone had previously set my skin on fire and left me to burn away but I felt more numb than burnt.

Forcing open my eyelids, my eyes frantically searched my surroundings to identify my whereabouts. It was cold and dark with a strange smell of damp that lingered amongst the air and atmosphere in which smothered me.

Then, realisation struck me. I was in fact in the Salvatore's basement.

As the numbness of my skin started to slowly fade away, a intense burning sensation cut through my wrist, ankles and mouth forcing my eyes to drop and find the source of the pain.

Ropes. Vervain ropes.

I was in fact tied securely to a metal looking chair with Vervain ropes wrapped around my wrists and ankles tightly. A Vervain cloth was also tied around my mouth to supposedly prevent me from calling for help.

Catching the glimpse of feet before me, I rose my stinging chocolate orbs once more to lock eyes with an ever so familiar figure standing before me beside his brother.

Damon Salvatore.

"Elena, Elena. You're so clueless aren't you," His snake like tone weaved its way into my ringing ears as a smirk slowly plastered its way onto his face.

"Damon? What are you doing?" I questioned, but you couldn't understand a word that was said due to the cloth in which muffled my words.

"I didn't quite catch that but I'm guessing it's something along the lines of  'What's going on' or 'Who did this?' So to fill you in. I think Stefan would love to educate you," He taunted, motioning towards his brother with his arm - the smirk still lingering upon his lips.

"You see the thing is Elena, we are fed up of being your little toys and the way you mess with our feelings so, we've decided to get a little revenge..." Stefan spoke, his voice a void of emptiness whilst his face portrayed a look of amusement.

All I could do was sit there in a perfect silence. I couldn't move. I couldn't talk. And most of all, I couldn't escape.

"And the best thing is, you feel no sympathy for either of us, do you?" Damon spoke, breaking the noiseless atmosphere as he looked upon me with furrowed eyebrows, as if he were hurt and awaiting an answer. "Oh yeah, you can't speak can you?" He added emotionlessly as they both stared at me with an empty expression before Stefan sneered at me.

"That means she also can't scream either," Stefan commented as he opened the plastic bottle that only now had I realised was in his hand as he poured it over my head.

All I could do was scream but the noise came out strangled. My body felt as though poisonous flames were dancing across my skin and soaking into my weakened bones to the point that they felt dead.

The liquid that entered my eyes was excruciating. I felt the urge to claw out my eyeballs to lessen the convulsion but my hands were solidly secured down and were blistering my wrists.

Whimpering, tears began to fall from my agonised and scorched eyes before landing upon my lap along with the drops of Vervain which were still dripping from my head.

"Don't start breaking down on us yet, this is only the beginning," Damon taunted as he took out a large wooden stake and implanted it into my leg forcefully making me cry out soundlessly once again.

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