Because you are Loved! - Inheritance

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Hey everyone who's reading this!!!! I heard this preacher, Graham Cooke, give a sermon about God's Love for us! It is truley astounding! I'm not sure I really shared how absolutley outrageous His love is for us in 'My relationship with...'! So don't give me credit for this, i wasn't the first to share it! :) I hope this is encourages anyone who reads this :) I just really was moved by this and I was sooo determined to share it with all of you!!!! Hope it touches your heart!!!

God Bless you all! :)   Watch the Video on the right if you don't want to read! :)

Tilly xox 

Because you are Loved! - Graham Cooke

The Lord says there is nothing you can do that will make Him love you more! There is also nothing you can do to make Him love you less! Because he loves you! Cause that is what he is like! It is his nature to love! you will always be the beloved! His love is unchanging! His love is 100%! He won't love you any better when you become better! He loves you 100% right now! Even if you have no plans to become better He will still love you 100%! Because He loves you, because that is what he is like! Even if you don't have any plans to walk with Him he will love you 100%! Cause that's his nature! He loves all the way! All the time! His love is unchanging! What will change says the Lord is the way that you receive my love!

So I challenge you says the Lord open your heart to me, and you will receive my love as you have never experienced my Love before! I dare you says the Lord! Come on open your heart to me!  Give me your heart! Give me whatever obstacle is blocking the path between you and me! I'll take it! I'll remove it out of the way! I'll take it as my own! Because I love you as you are! Right now! I love you 100% as you are right this moment! So be loved! You are the beloved! It is your job to be loved outrageously! It is why I chose you ! That is why I sent my love upon you! So you would live as one who is outrageously loved! That you would receive a radical love that it'll blow all your para-dines of what you think love is out of the way! And know says the Lord,  I will love you outrageously all the days of your life! Cause i don't know any different ! This is who I am! I will always be! This is the 'I am' that i have promised you! He that loves you outrageously! And you may love me back outrageously with the outrageous love that I have bestowed upon you!

And know this says the Lord! You can only love me as much as you love yourself! My love comes to set you free from yourself! From the way you see yourself! To set you free from the smallness of your own thinkning about youself! My love has come to set you free from rejection and from shame! And from low self esteem, and despair and abuse! Because when I look at you says the Lord, I see something that I love! I see someone that I can love outrageously! I have so much to bestow upon you! So much to give you, so many places to take you in my heart! But you can't go there unless you allow me to love you! And my love for you will break every barrier! Bring every wall crashing down! And know this says the Lord my lovedamages fear, my love hates fear, my love will fight fear, it will fight fear in you, it will fight fear around you! If you have fear you have a treat in store! Because my love casts out fear! There is no fear where I am present! Because my love casts out fear! 

My beloved, you are my beloved. You are MY beloved! And in my love says the Lord I want you to feel good about yourself! Because you are loved!

Because you are Loved! - InheritanceWhere stories live. Discover now