chapter 8

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Going to the store they said congratulations you have won 10,000 dollar and baby stuff for a a life time. What your name winner .my name is Ashanti Nelson but I'm only 13 .wow you so young and have a baby girl. So then she asked Ethan to drive the stuff back home. Then she went shopping for food for the house she went to public and Walmart to buy alot of food. Then me and my baby Emily went home to organize the supplies I have for her. Wow life is turning good,
Thank you god for this family. Then Ethan said I have five rooms and 4 bathroom. I add all the baby stuff I had into Emily's room and my aunt bought her a strawberry shortcake bed. I went shopping again but this time with my 2 sisters Miley and annie and my boyfriend and Emily I went out to Florida mall and bought perfume and panties and clothes and more stuff. That was the end of my dad and I fiannly went home to lay down and the baby was sleeping. Goodnight

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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