These are a few couplets
While I watch the muppets
Why is the sky blue,
Is it because of you?
Do you know the Doctor's name,
Is it just a game?
Puppies barking in the yard,
Why would they do that to a car?
I don't make sense,
Stop being dense.
Braces on tomorrow,
Told I will be in sorrow.
Homework is no fun,
Teachers are the unruly ones.
Inside jokes are quite a blast,
Especially remembering from the past.
Do my poems disappoint thee,
If so you shouldn't complain to me.
I'm so ready to be top dog,
Summer close to ending and soon to be fall.
Sitting alone on the couch today,
While my friends make puzzles out of clay.
I'm so bored,
I think you are now too.
My friend thanks lord,
My poem is short.