Chapter Six

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Mystery leaned against a wall of the base and a figure appeared next to her. She glanced over at it. Its face was shrouded in cloth and shadows.

"State your name and intentions."
The person was talking backwards. ".Nella rof gnikool m'I"
"Why're you looking for Allen?"
".Mih rorrim ma I"
"Okay. Good for you. That doesn't tell me why you're looking for him."
".Seod ti sey"
Mystery rolled her eyes. "It doesn't EXPLAIN why you're looking for him."
"I can do this all night, Nella."
Mystery sighed. "Okay, I get that you're his mirror, but what do you want him for?"
".Mih pleh nac I"
Mystery bit her bottom lip and sighed. "Alright. Follow me."

She turned into a shadow cat and walked into the base. She sat down in the middle of the main room to wait for Nella. Nella appeared behind her and she got up and started walking to the infirmary. She jumped onto Allen's bed and stared at Nella's peculiar glowing green eyes. Then again, his glowing eyes aren't that strange. Every single person on Starna has glowing eyes. Some Arches have glowing eyes. That's not the point of this though. I mean, I could go on with this if you want, but that'd be tedious. Allen was lying down with an advanced heart monitor attached. Mystery curled up next to him. When she's not in a human like form, she can't talk. She can't talk in her pure shadow form. It's strange because every other person on Starna and every other Arch can. Again, that's not the point of this.

Mystery fell asleep. Nella watched the couple sleep, wondering how to fix Allen. Myst seemed to be purring in her sleep. A thought had crossed Nella's mind multiple times. What if he can't help Allen? Mystery would kill him. Suddenly, Mystery woke up and fixed her cool jade green gaze on Nella. It almost seemed like she was threatening him.

Nella tilted his head to the side. "Is something wrong?"

Myst hoped off the bed and ran out of the room. Nella shrugged and walked beside Allen's bed. Myst stood outside of the base and went back into her human form. Well... as human looking as an Archdemon thing from a planet called Starna can get. She rubbed her eyes and stared at the stars. She strengthened the shield around the base, then walked back inside and got a glass of wine. Nella walked out of the infirmary.

Mystery sipped her wine and glanced up at him. "Is he okay?"
Nella held up a finger, looking like he's about to say something. "Wait. What is 'okay' to you?"
Mystery sighed and finished off her wine. "'Okay' is you're alive, breathing, not looking like you're half dead, and not being in so much pain you just want to die."
Nella thought about it for a few minutes. "Nope. He's far from it."
Mystery just sighed. "What's wrong with him? Other than his missing wings?"
Nella fixed an icy stare on Mystery. He shook his head like it was obvious. "His wings were what gave him a sense of freedom."
"Okay... is there a way to.... I dunno.... grow them back?"
Nella looked directly in her eyes. "No."
Myst sighed. "Can we do anything to help him?"
"Kill him."
"I'm more sane than Allen right now."
"Wouldn't he stay dead if we kill him? Or become a Fallen?"
"Isn't that a very risky game of chance? Would we really want a fallen version of Allen?"
"Not really, but we don't have many other choices, Mystery."
"Are you sure it'll help? Is there a way to bring him back afterwards?"
"None. At least that I know of."

A/N Hello. End of chapter. I'm an overly distracted nut. Sorry not sorry about the lack of updates by the way.

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