Chapter one

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January 26, 2007
Oh hi there
My name is Britney Marley. I'm 16 and i live in East London. Its nice out here but can be very dodgy if i'm completely honest with you. But its actually like this in the whole of London, or the whole world should i say. But anyway, i'm nearly at the end of my GCSE's. Exams soon. Its so stressful. I'm always busy nowadays because of GCSE's and i literally have no time for myself. I miss the old days. Were i used to have more time and sit down, watch a movie with some snacks on the side, or meet up with friends and have fun. But now i can't do none of that, all thanks to GCSE's. I actually can't wait to finish. I hope next year will be easier and be better than this. I'm guessing it is. As i'm doing less subjects and that's obviously much easier. Right?
I actually can't wait though. I bet sixth form is going to be fun. But hard though obviously. So i'm going to have to prepare for that. I'm setting a target for myself. I'm going to study and do everything right at the appropriate time so i don't have to stress after. Sounds like a plan doesn't it?
Ugh, school never ends. University is after that. I'm kind of looking forward for that though. Apparently its the best years of all school life. I hope its true. I can't wait to finish everything. I want to work, get my own house. Be something. Succeed in life. That's why i'm going to put my head down and study so i can achieve that and have no regrets after.
I want to be a University lecturer in English. I love English. I've always wanted to be a teacher but as i don't really like kids and can't be bothered to deal with them, i've chosen to be a University teacher/lecturer instead. Interesting? Well i think it is.
Not a lot of people want to be University lecturers nowadays. I never came across a person who wanted to be one. Its strange because its actually a pretty good job and much easier than primary and secondary teacher but yet people choose to be primary and secondary teachers more. But I think more people should do it to be honest. It's good.
Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I'm so tired. I yawned like 5 times so far.
Its 10pm already. Wow. Time goes fast. I'm not going to be waking up in the morning so better get going. Goodnight.

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