2- A Second Chance

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He couldn't believe it. No, it couldn't be. He knew she had hit her head but the doctor said it was just a concussion. He mentioned nothing about memory loss.

Just when he was about to say something, the door opened and a cluster of voices broke out.


"Baby, you're awake!"

"Thank the goddess, she's awake!"

Trey couldn't decipher which voices it belonged to. All his focus was on Elena. He released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Although it seemed she couldn't remember him, he was just glad she was alive.

He noticed her eyes shift from one person to the other, taking in her surroundings. Then recognition shone in her eyes as she called out, "Mom, Dad." She gave them a small smile as she tried to lift her arms up to them, but groaned, pain shooting through out all her limbs.

"Careful, honey, you're injured. Try to relax. We'll come to you," Terra said, running towards her daughter, giving her a kiss on her head. Collin stood at Terra's back, hugging the two most important women in his life.

Elena looked straight ahead, noticing the pair of siblings who smiled at her. "Ren, Han, come here!" She signaled for them to come closer; Trey being the only one left out of the group hug.

'How come she remembers everyone else except for me?' he thought.

"Oh, honey, I'm so glad you're okay!" Terra said, after they all pulled away from the hug. "You had me worried sick. How are you feeling?"

Elena shrugged then winced. "My head hurts and my body feels sore. It feels like I got hit by a bus." She joked. The room got quiet after that. "But other than that I feel pretty fine." She added, without realizing she appeased the room.

He couldn't stand it. She didn't remember him. It hurt. It hurt too bad to let it go.

He was going to mention something but just then the door opened and in walked Dr. Warhol. Perfect opportunity. "Hello, Elena, good to see you are awake and--"

"She can't remember me, doc," Trey blurted out, the look of shock registering on everybody's faces. "But she seems to remember everyone else." He felt Elena's worried eyes on him and he couldn't help but meet her gaze. He was in pain; emotional pain. He just needed to know what was going on. Was this karma biting him in the ass for being rude. . . well, yes, more than rude to her on more than one occasion?

He felt like he was suffocating in the small white hospital room. He couldn't take it anymore. He broke her gaze and left the room before he saw anyone giving him pity looks, especially his mate.

He was halfway across the hall when he heard a voice call his name. "Trey, wait!"

He didn't want to stop walking but he knew who the voice belonged to. The voice of someone who treated him like a son. When he turned around he saw the face that looked so much like Elena. He looked away. It hurt too much.

When he felt arms embrace him, he did something he usually never did. . . he cried. Like really cried.

He wept in Terra's arms. He needed this, he needed comfort. He was sure that if his mother was still alive, this is what it would feel like; the warmth and the love emanating from Terra was palpable.

It seemed like hours passed by which, in truth, was only minutes. Trey's tears slowed down until he no longer felt like crying. Terra merely comforted him. She knew he was extremely hurt that his own mate couldn't remember him. Hell, she would feel the same way.

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