Sunday 13th March

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So I haven't been writing in here very often. And I wish I had a good excuse. But ya know, some people would argue that having continuous Marathons of Sharknado doesn't count. And finding where I can get a chainsaw from.

But those people are wrong. Its the most productive thing I can do with my time. You never know, there could be a real Sharknado some day. I'm being prepared.

Honestly, I'm surprised little to no one has seen it. Not even Julie and Trixie. And considering how annoyed Papyrus gets when he comes in the house and sees me and Sans watching it, you'd think they'd at least have heard of it.

I wish I knew where Papyrus went though. I think it was to see Mettaton. At least, I sorta hope. Because I ship them, but if it became canon then that would mean Tony was my cousin. And that would mean being nice to him.

But ya know, I am a girl who goes out of her way to get a chainsaw. And cries when Sans won't give me enough money to buy one. I mean c'mon, he's my father, its the least he could do. Especially since I had to deal with that human in my closet alone.

Sandra's been visiting a lot though. And I've been trying to get her to watch Sharknado. But I think my fangirling scares her....

I've gotta go now, Tony needs to have Ketchup poured on him. He pushed Julie. Pushing isn't allowed. And its either Ketchup in hair or death by Sharknado Fangirl. I think he prefers the ketchup choice Tbh.

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