*Adult situations! Mature Audiences only!*
21 years ago...
In an enchanted world. One not like our own.
One where all of your dreams come to life and even......
Some of your worst nightmares.
Violet and Athena are faeries born on the same day, at t...
It was seven forty-five exactly when I walked up to Violet's quaint little cottage straight across from mine. Every morning she does the liberty of making me my morning coffee, only because she makes the best and I can never get it right, and she drives us to school. It has been our morning routine for the past two years since we started college together, and if you haven't noticed by now. We do everything together!
Apparently ever since we were babies we have been inseparable and honestly me and her both would not have had it any other way. We are practically sisters, probably even closer than that. For some reason there is a special bond that we both share but we can't really understand why. It has been confusing us ever since we have found out a secret we both have shared since we were seven years old. I can still remember when it happened like it was yesterday.
14 Years Ago...
"Come on Athy!" Violet yelled at me as she ran through the woods with me slightly behind her.
"What is it Vi!? And you are going too fast!" I yelled back trying to catch up.
"You'll see now come on!"
She disappeared over a large hill and I sluggishly followed behind her. As I approached the hill and slowly trudged my up the thing, I could see something peeking behind it. I squinted my eyes to try to make it out then gasped once I could finally see the whole picture. I ran as fast as I could not caring about my breath anymore and hugged Violet because of what she had found. Standing in front of me was a gorgeous tree house about ten feet high in the air.
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"Oh my goodness Violet!" I exclaimed. "When did you find this place!?"
"Remember last week when you got in trouble because Lily accused you of stealing her dessert cookies?"
I groaned. "Yes! And I didn't even do it! Cathy did!"
"It doesn't matter now! Anyways!" She giggled. "Because you couldn't come out on play day I went on my own adventure." She grinned.
"Woah! You always find the coolest places Vi! First the garden now this!"
She let out another laugh. "Thanks Athy. I don't mean to, I just stumble upon them." She smiled. "Wanna climb up!?" Her eyes widening.
"Uh duh!"
We made our way up the tree's latter made out of old boards and as we got to the top and into our newly found obsession we turned into a fit of giggles.
"This is so cool!" I laughed.
"I know! We are going to have to decorate it." Vi grinned.
"Yes!" I smiled back then frowned.
"What is it?" She asked concerned.
"That is going to take a lot of work going back and forth from here to the orphanage."
"That is true." She sighed.
"I wish that there was an easier way." I huffed.
"Me too. This place really needs fixing though."
"Yes. We better get started, what color should the walls be?" I asked her.
Then we both turned to each other and grinned widely. "Lavender purple!" We said in sink.
And that was it.
In that moment, everything was about to change.
All of a sudden the tree house began to shake and me and Violet squealed grabbing a hold of each other, crouching down into a small ball.
Then, out of nowhere, it stopped.
To scared to look up I buried my face deeper in Violet's neck and she did the same squeezing me tighter.
"Do you think it's okay?" I whispered.
"I think so." She whispered back.
"On the count of three."
"One." I said.
"Two." She followed.
Then together we said. "Three!"
And as we looked up our mouths opened with a large gasp to follow.
"Yeah, Ath?"
"Do you see what I see?" I asked her astonished.
"What? That the walls are lavender purple........yep."
I looked at her with wide eyes and she gave me the same expression.
And that was the day we discovered our magic. We haven't told a soul about it since then. So far we have been taking it day by day and every chance we get we practice to try to keep it under our control. We aren't sure what we are yet but the only logical thing we can come up with is witches or something along the lines of that subject.
Snapping me out of my thoughts I saw Violet stepping out of her cottage. I skipped up to her to greet her.
"Good morning Vi!" I grinned as she handed me my coffee.
"Good morning Athy!" She greeted me with an equal amount of happiness.
Then we hopped in the car and headed to school, as we pulled up to the college I groaned remembering I had a math test today in statistics.
"I am not ready for my stats test."
Vi parked the car and turned to say to me. "You'll do just fine, I know you studied. Plus, you have classes that you like after."
I sighed and nodded my head. "You're right." I said as we both got out of the car and began walking to our separate classes. "Anyhow, have fun with Mr. Sexy today!" I said in a rush and she groaned but before she could speak I was already gone, knowing that it would bother her. But I giggled at her frustration and headed towards my Statistics class that was stupidly required for the program I am in.
As the day passed on and I finished all of my classes I met back up with Violet at the car.
"Hi chica!" She smiled.
"Hola senorita!" I smiled back.
"How did you do on your stat test?"
"I made a straight 100!"
"See! What did I tell you?"
"You were right." I laughed.
"I always am when it comes to you." She giggled.
"That is true." I giggled back.
"So." She said as we got into the car. "What do you want for dinner?"
"Oooo! Pasta!"
"Pasta it is! Yours or mine?"
"Let's stay at your house tonight and have a sleepover! Since our birthdays are tomorrow." I grinned. "Yes?"
"Yeah! Sounds like fun." She smiled. "I'll make us some popcorn and we can watch movies all night."
"Yay! And before we get home let's stop by the store and get us some chocolate bars."
"Okay, girls night!"
"Oh yes! And we can do each others nails too!"
"Omg yes! I have been wanting to try out this new design I found on tumblr."
"Okie dokie! Let's go!"
We clicked on our seat belts and headed off to do our tasks then made our way back home.