05. Devil Twins

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Momoka had been dreading the afternoon. The twins had insisted they got their turn with her next and she wondered what it'd be like. From what she could tell, they were all about "brotherly love" and she wasn't sure how that would go.

While she waited, she decided to go for a walk around the school again. It was such a big school and there was so much to see. The school was very well kept and she found herself enamored with the nature around her.

At the gazebo, she found a familiar face and it made her smile. She hurried over, holding up the hem of her yellow dress so she wouldn't fall. "Ritsu-kun!"

The boy in question turned around, his cheeks flushing red as he saw her hurrying over to him. "Oh, hey Momoka. What are you doing around here?"

"Oh nothing. I was killing time looking at the nature around here and I saw you so I figured I'd come over and say hello," Momoka explained with a smile and he nodded slowly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Well, uh, that's awfully nice of ya," he muttered and she giggled softly. She could tell he was nervous but she just found it endearing.

"How are the cherry tomatoes doing?" She asked and he smiled.

"Oh, they're great. Flourishing just like I said they would."

"That's good." She paused for a moment before she gestured to the bench underneath the gazebo. "Do you want to sit for a little while?"

"Oh, uh sure." He watched her form as she walked over to the bench, smoothing out her dress before she sat, and he hastily joined her, leaving a decent amount of space between them. The pair lapsed into a silence, Momoka taking in the nature and Kasanoda desperately trying to come up with something to say.

"Well, I'm really glad I got to see you today, Ritsu-kun, but I have to get going or I'm going to be late," Momoka said a few minutes later and Kasanoda nodded, trying not to look disappointed.

"Of course, I understand." He stood up as well, slightly bowing to her. "Uh, I'll see you around..Momo-chan."

Momoka beamed before she waved at him, hurrying off. He let out a small sigh before he heard her shouting for him. When he turned to look at her, she smiled. "You should smile more, Ritsu. It suits you."

And with that she took off, leaving the young master with pink cheeks and a rapid heartbeat. He watched Momoka hurry, the hem of the yellow dress held up in her dainty hand, giving him a peek at her slender legs, and he let out a sigh. He needed some help, and he knew just who to talk to.


When Momoka got to Music Room No. 3, she let out a sigh. She was a couple minutes late, but she didn't mind stopping to see Ritsu. It was nice, seeing the flushed ginger again.

"Welcome princess," Tamaki greeted her again and she smiled.

"Hey, Tama-kun!" She said brightly, more at ease now that she knew his routine. His eyes seemed to sparkle and he nodded approvingly before she walked over to where the twins were sitting.

"You're late," they said without looking up and she blushed.

"Heh. You caught me. I'm sorry, I got caught up. But I'm here now, so let's focus on that, okay?" She gave them a bright smile and they looked at her in surprise.

"Whoa, what's your deal?" Hikaru asked and Kaoru nodded.

"Yeah, you're in a really good mood today."

Momoka's cheeks flushed. "Nothing. Maybe I was just happy to see you guys." She pouted, crossing her arms and turning away from the pair.

Hikaru and Kaoru could feel Kyoya glaring at them, as if to say 'fix it, now!', and they immediately protested. "No, no, we're happy that you're in a good mood!"

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