The Sithusis Trials

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During his time in exile from reality, The inventor discovered that if he were to escape his cyber prison, he'd need someone with power, not political power or money, but actual destructive power.

We listen to the skies for Sithusis to see what he'd do next to try and kill me, but this wasn't anything like that. "Well Demon Slayer, I see that not even a Shadow Clone of yourself more powerful than you can stop you. Well since that's the case, I'll have to up the difficulty level a bit won't I?" "You SICK TWISTED FREAK!!! LET US GO NOW!!!!" I scream to him, obviously still angered at what Shadow Slayer had said to me pre-obliteration. I was still enraged, but I was calming down, for some reason, my powers get a huge energy boost whenever I'm enraged, kinda like the Hulk or a Super Saiyan. I think that whenever I get angry, that intense of an emotion, to just destroy whatever's in my way without fail, is what Sithusis is really after. "Good luck getting to me Demon, you'll need all the skill you can muster this time around. HAHAHAHA!!!!" Sithusis bellows throughout the sky, still invisible to the eye. "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU'LL WISH YOU'D NEVER TRIED TO HURT MY FRIENDS!!!!" I Scream to him again, not knowing where he is. "Dammit! That bastard has gone too far this time! I mean he made you fight an Evil clone of yourself, what else would you do at this point?" Brandon says to me in a pissed tone. "Yeah! And now he's gone and upped the "Difficulty?" REALLY!? As if this whole ordeal wasn't hard enough already." Kylee utters, just as pissed as Brandon. "What the hell does he want from me anyway?" I say in a mad yet puzzled tone. "Wait a second! After all the times we've fought him so far, he's never dealt enough damage to us to kill us off, at least not me anyway. So what does that leave us with for why he's doing this?" I ask my team. They all start to think about it, I mean why would he bring me and all my friends here with the intent on killing us and taking my body, and NOT come close to killing us? WAIT! THATS IT! "Guys! I think I know why he hasn't tried to kill any of us yet!" I shout to my team. "What! What is it?" Volfan asks me. "Its obvious! Think about it! He ripped our consious minds out of our bodies to be free from cyberspace, but whatever he has planned, he needs power to act on it. Obviously, he can't just take anyone, he needs someone with a really strong will to keep fighting to be able to act on his plans. Don't you see it yet?" I ask them. "Wait a second! I know!" Kylee says. "He's putting our minds through tests to see which one of us has the willpower necessary for a body transfer!" "Exactly!" I say, "He's putting us through trials, sick as they may be, to see which one of us he can use to exact his plans!" I was about to jump in glee now knowing what our foe was up to, only to get angry that he's doing all of this to us just for his own selfish goals. He Has to be stopped, there's no other way around it! With that knowledge now with us I propose something to my team that might just give us a fighting chance against him, allowing us to beat him at his own game so to speak. "Listen up guys! Sithusis is planning on us to go into his trials unprepared, so here's what we should do! We need to train ourselves with our new powers, hone in on our skills, then maybe we'll have a chance to beat him once and for all! Sound like a plan?" I say to everyone. They all agree and we head into the TARDIS to go onto a map that has the necessary equipment for us to train with. I set the TARDIS coordinates to head to the map known as gm_Slaughter, its a map with lots of death traps on it that we can train on to avoid attacks, and fight back. Not only that but, it has a power level that makes it so that you can use the traps and not kill yourself in the process, the perfect map to hone our skills and not die prematurely. "Ok Sithusis! Let the Trials begin!" I say confidently as I pull the TARDIS lever to transport us to the only map capable of our success.

Demon Slayer- The Rise Of SithusisWhere stories live. Discover now