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August 3, 2013

Ellen slowly stood from the couch that was in Luke's apartment. Her injuries still weren't completely healed and she had to be careful what she was doing.

"Easy there," Luke ran from the bedroom. He heard her footsteps hit the floor and came running her way. He had been so protective of Ellen ever since the accident. He had always been protective of her, but more than ever now.

"Luke, I can walk by myself," Ellen assured him. She put her hand out to sop him from helping her.

"I know that," Luke scoffed at her. He crossed his arms over his chest and made his way into the kitchen. He grabbed a juice from the fully stocked refrigerator.

"Luke. Can you do me a favor?" Ellen asked, taking a seat at the barstool in the kitchen across from him. She rested her chin in her hands in curiosity and she blinked her eyes flirtatiously at him.

"Sure. What is it?" Luke said deeply. He was flustered by the suddenly flirty Ellen in front of him. He took a sip from the juice container before placing it on the counter in front of him. He put both of his hands on the countertop and leaned forward towards Ellen.

"Will you teach me football stuff?" She asked shyly.

"I thought you hated football," Luke wrinkled his eyebrows together.

"Well. I do. But you play football and I figured I should learn how to love it before the season starts," Ellen explained. She twirled a piece of her hair in between her fingers.

"That's great. I'll get some old film and we can start," Luke clapped his hands loudly before going back to his bedroom. He came back minutes later with a large box of old film. He dug around in it before finding the one e was looking for. He snatched it and inserted it in the DVD player. His youthful spirit shown through like a kid in a candy store when talking about football. Ellen stood, on her own much to Luke's dismay, to meet him on the couch.

Luke went through the whole game with her. Teaching her the ins and outs. Offense. Defense. Special teams. Great players. Great plays. Flags. Penalties. Scoring. Positions. His eyes were lit up like a fire. Ellen looked up lovingly at him, seeing him so passionate.

"What is it about football that makes you love it so much?" Ellen asked curiously. She wanted to know so we could share that with him. She needed to know what it was about this game that attracted him to it.

"The camaraderie. The team aspect. You can't win a game with just one player. It takes all 53 of the guys on the team to win," Luke explained gleefully. He was glad he got Ellen to finally give his craft a chance.

"That's beautiful," Ellen said. She reached up to his lips and kissed them barely. If Luke hadn't felt his spine tingle, he wouldn't have known their lips were touching.

"You're beautiful," Luke smiled at her. This time she really kissed him. Her heart was beating rapidly, as it always did when she even thought about kissing him. Her mind was stuck on him and she didn't want it any other way.

Ellen's eyes wandered toward the clock. "I've got to go," she said sadly.

"Why?" Luke whined. He hated when she left.

"Nicole will be home soon and I promised her I would make her supper," Ellen explained.

"I hate when you leave," Luke said in the same whiny voice. His voice was still deep but raspier when he whined.

"I know you do," Ellen said kissing his neck.

"You should just live here," Luke suggested. He tightened his grip on her to assure that she didn't leave.

"I can't just live here," Ellen protested.

"Why not?" Luke questioned.

"I live with Nicole," Ellen tried. She couldn't think of a better reason.

"I need you here," Luke said kissing her temple. Ellen began to loosen up and started to give in to him.

"Ughhh I should just live here," she said finally giving in.

"Ellen Reilly you're going to live with me," Luke said as a wide smile spread across his face.

"I'm going to live with you," Ellen said beaming. She never could have imagined a year ago that the boy she thought was annoying would become such a big part of her life. She never would have thought that she could love him the way she does. "Okay but now I really have to go. I have to tell Nicole," Ellen said kissing his lips before standing.

"I'll miss you," Luke said. He held onto her hand as she walked away from him. Goodbyes got harder ever since the accident. As soon as Ellen was released from the hospital she came to Luke's house where he nursed her back to health. He made sure that she wasn't hurting and that she was well taken care of. "Text me when you get home," Luke instructed.

"Okay dad," Ellen said as she slipped her flip flops on.

"Ellen! I hate when you do that!" Luke said standing from the couch to chase after his girlfriend. He wrapped his muscular arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "I'm serious. I want to make sure you are safe," he whispered in her ear.

"I know. I'm sorry," Ellen said breathing in his manly cologne. She kissed him one last time before slipping out the door. She smiled when she got to her car and the whole drive home. She felt blessed that she had such a wonderful boyfriend who cared deeply about her well being. A boyfriend that she thought about constantly. A boyfriend that she couldn't wait to live with and wake up next to every morning.

Kind of short and cheesy but I wanted to get an update to you guys. 25 votes and 8 comments! 😘

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