Pace Dominates the Cafeteria (Ian's POV)

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"James! Cayden!" Our fried, Pace shouted at us, his legs galloping along the marble ground. "Jessa, you too!" He yelled. "It's enchilada day!" He ran along the floor, skidding over the floor like he was flying, racing himself to be the first in line. Generally, he doesn't normally run a lot; in PE he isn't really allowed to run since the nurse decided his limp was too awful.

"Slow down, Pace!" Jessa yelled, competing for the best snack, laughing. "I want some too!" She giggled, referring to the time earlier this year when he had taken all the cafeteria food. " You guys want some?" She asked, slowing down just a bit.

"Nah, Jess. I have my own snack," I replied, motioning at my lunch.

"Same here. I'm also a vegetarian. Didn't you know that?" Cayden said.

"Fine then. We can dominate the cafe!" Jessa joked, laughing along with Pace. She caught up with him, and I couldn't help but join them.

"Smh. I want a coke or something." I revised. I ran to join them.

"I knew it!" Pace had yelled.


"We made a bet that you would/wouldn't come. I lost." Jessa said, handing Pace 10 bucks.

"Sweet momma! I can get more food!" Enchilada Man, our nickname for Pace, yelled victoriously. He waved the money in the air, almost knocking off his grey beanie. He took double enchiladas, then double that, then double that, then double that, effectively taking 16 snacks.

"You sure you have enough money for that?" Jessa and I said in unison. Pace nodded in return. I took a Smores Pop-Tart™ and a lollipop, adding a Coke at the last minute, when I could'e, Jessa said I should've, bought a Pepsi.

"But Jess!" I had complained. "It had your name on it!" I puppy-dogged, showing her the back of the drink, where it did, infact, say Jess.

Eventually we reached the lunch-benches of Galian High School. They were greasy and covered in bird poop. Awesome. Fortunately, I had napkins. I wiped down the table with Page, while Cayden talked with Jessa. About what? I don't know. They laughed quietly before returning to our clean table.

"So, Cayden, Jessie, James." Page said sinister, looking at us. "Is Mr. Gira all good?" He said, cracking a grin.

"Fabulous!" Cayden and I shouted simultaneously, while Jessa just laughed, signalling an alright. How that girl is always so happy, I don't know.

"He's hilarious, and a great teacher while he teaches, a great bonus." Jessa summarized. We had worried about losing our favorite teacher to retirement, but thankfully he didn't leave, giving us a fabulous time in our second year of High School. "But I thought you had him 3rd period?" She added.

"Nah. The teachers though Page here was too cool for anything cool. So basically he just lies in his room all day doing homework from his other teachers." Cayden replied.

"Oh... Okay." I said, Jessa nodding. I suppose we had the same question. "But have you even seen your teachers? I hear you had the best classes?"

"Whatever." Page said in disregard. I could tell he didn't want to talk about it right now. Note to self, I think, pester him later. We munched on our food, Cayden looking at us like we were monsters. Jess was eating calmly, like a princess if princesses were allowed to eat greasy fast food. I was eating like a hog, while Page was eating so fast, I could swear 30 seconds after he was shoving the burrito like foods up his mouth-hole he was done.

"Nice man!" I said, slapping his hand in our signature secret handshake. The girls looked at us in disgust. I suppose even the tom-boyish girls can be disgusted by hobbit-esque eaters. Jessa would kill me for calling her a tomboy though. Even though she prefers flannels and black with combat boots, she still considers herself a girly girl. That girl is strange.

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