The escape part 1

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Bellamy Octavia and Monty were trying to figure out a plan to save them. But with most of the people on pikes side it wasn't going so we'll.
Monty: I can try talking to my mom again bellamy
Bellamy: it's no use we have to do this on our own
Monty: ravens got the radio we can hear everything they say and Abby has a spy camera on when she visits kane. Jasper we'll he's the distraction. But what if this goes wrong what's plan b
Bellamy: let's hope it doesn't come to that but if it does we're screwed. Now let's save them.
Octavia: it's your fault they need saving bellamy looks at her
Monty: Octavia goodluck
Octavia: we need more than luck.. How long do I have until the guards come
Moty: 5 mintues so hurry
She crawls above the vents to see Lincoln she drops down into the cell to give him the code to get out when he gets close enough
Lincoln: just in case something happens
Octavia: don't you dare say it
Lincoln: I love you
Octavia: I love you to
They kiss
Lincoln hands her a notebook: only read it if something happens.
Octavia: I won't need to
Lincoln: just promise me you'll watch out for her
Octavia: for who?
Lincoln: you'll know soon.
Monty on the walkee Octavia get out of there the guards are coming.
Octavia kisses Lincoln and then climbs up the vent and back down to the tunnel where they were at.
Bellamy: I have a bad feeling about this
Raven on wakee: Monty your a go.

Monty goes to his mom as a distraction talking to her he grabs her keys smoothly.

Octavia: if he dies
Bellamy: he won't no ones dying.

Monty gives them the keys.

Abby sees kane
Abby: I won't let you die in here
Kane: it's okay just promise me you'll take care of them
Abby; I promise
Kane: I need you to tell bellamy
Abby: not now kane
Kane: he needs to know
Abby points to jacket: You will tell him but don't say it right now.
Kane: Abby no they can't save us.
Abby: there stubborn like you.
Pike: one minute left
Kane and abby kiss
Then abby leaves

Raven: guys have 30 seconds like just left.
Bellamy Octavia and Monty knock out the three guards and take there uniforms.

Raven: you guys need to hurry pike is entering there cells.
Jasper: I got this
Raven: jasper don't
Jasper goes in: yo hunny bunches where can I get a drink down here
Pike: how'd you get down here
Bellamy punches him: take a guess
Jasper; man I wanted to do that no fair.
Bellamy: tie him up
Jasper ties him up:
Kane sees bellamy and smiles: there's no way will get out of here if we don't he caught the grounders will kill us.
Raven on wakee: just go there coming and I've got the grounder thing handled
They are untied and now are under the tunnel while pike is tied up and abby goes out the secret door along with Harper and a few others.

Clarke is waiting at the end of the tunnel.

They are half way there when a guard sees them and shoots Lincoln. They all run Bellamy helps Lincoln.

Lincoln: this doesn't make us even
Bellamy: just don't die on me.
All of a sudden there's 10 guards coming
Jasper: oh shit.. We're dead okay this wasn't my idea don't shoot I'm to pretty to die like got untied
Pike: arrest them all
All of a sudden someone who was in a guard outfit takers all the guards and shoots pike in the leg and she takes off the helmet: it was echo.

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