The escape part 2

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Echo looks at them: don't just stand there let's go c
Bellamy; this doesn't make what you did okay
Echo; I know your mad but let's go before we all get killed
Octavia: you killed pike I like you again but you have some explaining to do after we get out of here
Echo: Lincoln? What happened?
Octavia: you two no eachother
Lincoln: It's in the book
They run out and finally where clarke is they go through a door.

Echo and Lincoln are behind
Lincoln; promise me something
Echo; anything
Lincoln: take care of them for me especially Octavia I know I was horrible at being there for you and I'm sorry you didn't turn out so bad
Echo: don't do this Lincoln please
As they come out he falls to the ground
Octavia goes to Lincoln
Echo: he needs a doctor
Clarke: guys come on we need to go to Lincoln's cave that's where we'll be safe.
They go there
Bellamy looks at echo: so after were safe you can leave
Echo; bellamy come on don't be like that
Bellamy: what did you expect you killed my people
Kane: give her a break bellamy she came back for us she saved us
Bellamy: she got gina killed
Echo: I give you my world you can trust me
Bellamy: your word is bullshit
They stay there for a while Bellamy not taking his eye off of echo

Octavia; will you stop staring at her and just ask her already
Bellamy: ash her what
Octavia; Bellamy she obviously cares about you. And your stubborn self does to so ask her why she betrayed you already.

Clarke goes to talk to the new grounders chancellor to see if he will help her people. Things haven't been the same since Lexa died.

Echo; you want some water
Bellamy: depends did you poison it
Echo; I get your mad at me and you have ever right to be so just ask me already give it your best shot
Bellamy; fine I wanna know how the girl that I met in mount weather who saved my life and I saved hers could be so malicious and evil and do such a thing especially because I thought I could trust her off all people. Because I liked her. And turns out she's not so different.
Echo: for the record she never stopped liking  you she just had orders and if she didn't follow through she would be a trader to her people and she is different she just is trying to stay alive.

Bellamy: tell me how do you sleep knowing you killed

Echo; 142 people yes I know the number because I'm the reason threre dead bellamy and I will never forget that but you think I had a choice I grew up with a bitch of a leader who if I didn't do what she said

Bellamy: shed  kill you

Echo: death would have been to easy for her she would have done this echo shows him some scars she has* I'm not making excuses or wanting you to feel sorry for me I'm just saying we all have crap we have to live with and do I mean there our people and we would do anything for them even if we don't see it as right or wrong. I'm so sorry. And you can hate me that's fine I'm the reason the war started and I wish I could take it back because I see the way you look at me and the way you used to look at me.

Bellamy: I didn't know ice nation was like that

Echo: it's not anymore the queen was like that.

Bellamy: how many scars did you why would she that's awful

Echo: 63 scars. The first one is for running away trust me I remember every scar and every story. This doesn't change anything Bellamy.

Echo waits for them to fall asleep and then she goes back to where Lincoln is helping Clarke she fights the guards and puts the outfits on.

Bellamy wakes up to a letter and a notebook .

The letter: dear bellamy you saved my life and you took a chance on me and I betrayed you so now I'm hoping we will be even soon and do me a favor keep this safe this will explain why I am the way I am. -Echo

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