Love Struggles (Part 2)

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((Ahhhh- this took forever!!!))

(Romano's P.O.V)

Haha, alright, we're finally getting to do something.
First stop, Antonio's house since we're closer to it.

Alfred was hiding in the bush beside the house, and I was at the front door.
Ugh, why am I so nervous!?
I looked over to the therapist, and he gave me a thumbs up.
... Do not fucking make the therapist joke!
Don't deny it, you've done it.
Antonio answered the door, and looked shocked to see me here.
"I just forgot something." I said, giving him a forced smile.

"Ah, alright! ... Listen, I'm really sorry about before, just, please, Lovi, can we just be friends?"

He makes me so pissed.
He thinks just because he betrayed me he can just go 'oh sorry' and say we're friends!?
No way!

I ignored him, bringing myself inside.


"I'm just here to pick up my stuff."

That shut him up real good.
Maybe I'm over reacting but what he had been keeping from me for over a week... That irritates me.
So freaking much. I know for a fact that I don't love him anymore.
But I don't hate him either.
In a way, I'm alright with being friends but at the moment I just have the prank in my mind.
Everything is acted so far.
I went upstairs, leaving Antonio behind to himself.
I got to the bathroom, and dumped his favourite shampoo out into the toilet, then flushed it.
I replaced it with the nair, and put it back in its original spot.
His shampoo smelt like that anyways, so he would fall for it.
The only thing I grabbed was a small green pen, and went back downstairs.

I'm glad he didn't suspect anything though.
"... I'm going now. Bye." I said, and head out the door.

"Yo, how'd it go?"

"It was a success!" I smiled.

Yes, I can smile alright?
Alfred just gives off this aura of happiness, and its enough to make me happy and be like Feliciano too.
Alright, not that happy, but
Y'know what I mean.

"That's great! Alright, I guess we can go to Arthur's house. Get in the car, it's going to take a bit."

I nodded, and we drove to Arthur's house.
Also, Alfred is a terrible driver.
The turns were very sharp, and I kept bumping beside him.

"You are a terrible driver." I said, already getting a headache.

"Relax, I only failed the driving test three times!"

"That is not reassuring at all!" I groaned, massaging my temples.
I really do have a headache.
I'm thankful that we stopped by at Antonio's place first though.

The car halted to a stop in front of an old-looking house.
Definitely looks like something the Brit would live in.

"W-we're here..."
He mumbled, probably not wanting to be here.
That would make sense too, after all, I didn't want to be near Antonio.

"Alfred, how long is your break?" I asked.

"Shit! I only have fifteen minutes left, we gotta do this fast."

"We? You mean yourself right?"

Alfred pouted, and I got back inside the car, crouching down so Arthur wouldn't be able to see me inside of the car.
I peaked my head out a bit though to see what the therapist was doing.

In about a minute, Alfred came back right away.

"So, did you do it?"

"Yeah, I totally did! I have to get back to work now though, Lovi."

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