Chapter 3

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Bella's POV

What was I thinking? I can't take care of a child. I was driving towards where I last saw Tiffany's line, which so happened to be in the middle of the woods. It'd be a long journey to get there but I need Tiffany back... and Chucky.

"Are we there yet?"

"Almost sweety but we'll have to do some walking. Are you up for that?" Glenda just nodded her head and kept holding Chucky. I really have to get that necklace.

"I'm hungry, can we stop for food?"

"There's food in the bag beside you." I felt the line to Tiffany get stronger but it was now coming from my right. We were well out of Washington state so I hope the Cullen's don't get smart now. I parked the car on the side of the road and got Glenda out.

"We have to go on foot from here. We'll find your Mommy soon." I smiled down at her and began walking. It was getting stronger still so I knew I was going in the right direction. It was raining hard so I had Glenda put on my jacket while I was shivering like crazy. It was her need before my own.

~3 hours later~

The line to Tiffany is at its strongest now. I had to carry Glenda a little threw the rain because she was tired. She's still asleep but she getting heavy or is it just me? I shook her gently to wake her so that she could walk. We were so close now. My heart was thumping loudly in my ears that I couldn't hear anything else except the whooshing rain. Will the rain ever let up? I looked back ahead and saw a clearing ahead. I half ran, half dragged Glenda forward until we were standing there, looking at the Cullen's holding Tiffany. She looked like she was sleeping. Glenda saw her and ran ahead to meet her mother, Esme was holding Tiffany. Glenda dropped Chucky down so I picked him back up. I smiled at him and mouthed soon. I walked over and Edward embraced me.

"I was so worried. Why do want to bring Chucky back?" I sniffled.

"It's not Chucky I want back it's Tiffany. Glenda deserves her mother after what happened." I was whispering this into his ear then pulled a knife on him. I got him in his abdomen. He won't be able to pull it out. His face had a look of horror on it as he went to the ground. I looked up from Edward towards the other Cullen's. They were quite shocked to say the least. I had more where that came from.


"Oh, my dear sweet mother, you don't know. I wasn't just going to... go away. I'm in charge of this body now and I'm never giving it up. I'm going to have my bride back if you please and my amulet."

"What happened to Bella?"

"She made a deal with the devil. That pathetic girl is gone. She couldn't carry out my work so I had to get rid of her. I pretended the whole time after the incident with the werewolf encounter. I tracked him down and got some of his venom for a little revenge that starts with you." I threw a knife to Jasper and he was down after a little bit of staggering. I got Alice next, then Rosalie, and Emmett, and Carlisle. Esme was standing there holding Glenda and my useless body to her chest. I always hated children. I stalked over to her and threw the child away from her along with the doll's body. I grabbed her throat and held her off the ground a little. I looked for the amulet but didn't see it.

"Where is it?! Where's the amulet!" I brought her face close. "If I can't find the amulet you're dead."

~Esme's POV~

Bella put me back to the ground and struck me with a knife. I could feel something where the knife was but hoped that she didn't. She threw me back to the ground and ran off. That wasn't my daughter, that was a monster. I pulled out the knife and went around to the others. I got to Carlisle first and pulled his knife out. I waited for him to open his eyes again but they didn't. Instead his body vanished. My hands hit the forest floor and I cried. I felt weak and helpless. I couldn't love without him. I looked around at the rest of the family and tried to get the rest of the knifes. Each one of my family members vanished. How did I survive? I crawled onto my feet and walked forward in what I hoped was the right way out of the woods.

I must have blacked out because next thing I knew I was in a bed. I could hear a monitor beeping and I could feel the sun. Wait the sun? I opened my eyes to see I was in a hospital bed with the curtains drawn open.

"Glad to see that you're awake Mrs. Evenson."

~Carlisle POV~

I could hear a voice and someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and the shaking stopped. I saw my father there looking worried.


~Edward's POV~

I opened my eyes to a plain white wall or was it a ceiling. I could hear birds chirping and the sound of what seemed to be music. I felt someone stir next to me and looked down to see a woman naked with her long blond hair strewn on me. I also saw that I was naked.

"That was exquisite." The woman looked up at me with the most beautiful blue eyes.

"It defiantly was Kitty."

~Alice's POV~

"There. Isn't that better? You shouldn't be getting anymore visions now." I could feel tears going down my face. Where was I? I remember something but it's all blurry. They took off the strange contraption and led me to my room. They shoved me through the door and locked me in. I went up to the mirror and saw a girl with spiked black hair and a sullen face.

"Miss Brandon your next appointment is ready."

~Jasper's POV~

I was starring at an army general waiting for my order.

"Major Whitlock! You are to report to Galveston and escort every woman and child out of the kill zone. Do you understand!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" I marched out of the tent and headed on down to Galveston.

~Emmett's POV~

I was just starting to head out to catch more game for dinner when I heard my younger sister come out to bid me farwell.

"Don't be long tonight please. I'm going to miss you big brother." I hugged her back and was off to find game and firewood. I'd have to find firewood somewhere near and then go for game.

~Rosalie's POV~

I was walking through the party looking for my lover. I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me towards the hallway. I was about to scream when someone cuffed their hand to my mouth.

"Shh, it's only me."

"Edward, you scared me half to death." I followed him to his room and we carried on from there.

~Chucky's POV~

I was watching them all. They were all sent to the 1940s so maybe they'll meet up. Carlisle is with his father at the church where he "passed out". They all "passed out" so they don't know what happened. Although that little seer is getting a glimpse of it. I guess my plan wasn't so perfect. I put that seer back in the asylum and her mate with the Southern Wars. Edward and Rosalie are having their moment alone while Esme I stuck in the hospital. Bella is right here though. She's not going anywhere. Tiffany is here as well but I can't do anything until I get me that amulet back. I should never have trusted that girl with the amulet. She will pay.

"I wanna go back home." Glenda, Glenda, Glenda.

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