Chapter Three

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Dae'Ja P.O.V.

When I notices that I been staring at the two people who were making love before I walked in I started to panic. I didn't know how to react or anything.  The girl that was on top of Nate started getting off of him and holding the cover around her and said something. "Who is she" she asked looking at Nate. "Umm she's my..ummm" "Maid" I said out of no where I knew he was scared I could tell. "Yeah um she's my maid why don't you go downstairs to get us some drinks while I talk to my maid for a minute" he says to her. "Yeah sure babe"she kisses him on the lips which breaks me down completely in the inside but I hold it together. She gives me a little get smile and I give her one back before she walks out.

"I can exp.......""No it fine I understand I get it" I say cutting him of and looking away from him. "I was going to tell you I swear I was" he says walking up to me. "When we turn 85 for god sakes you were about to marry her Nate" I say moving away from him and going to the closet to get my suitcase so I could pack my clothes. "Naw babe please don't do this look we can work something out he says trying to get the suit case away from me. "Move Nate" I said and he moves "I hope you are happy with your new wife and future baby......yeah I seen her stomach"I say packing most of my clothes and fighting for these tears not to fall.

"I'm so sorry Dae'Ja really I am" He says as he follows me out the bed room "Yeah me too have a nice life" I say before carrying my suitcase that was very heavy down the stairs and outside to my car. I popped the trunk, put my suitcase in the trunk then closed it and got in the car. I could see him standing there wanting to say something but before he could I drove off not wanting to see him never again. As I was driving I was just thinking of all the reason of why would he cheat on me. The sex? My love? "WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO SO WRONG" I scream. By that point I broke down I didn't know what to do or even where to go so I only had one option. I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

"Hello" My mom,Joiana, says to me. "Hi mom" I say trying to sound my best. "What's wrong angel" she says and I pinch myself for knowing she knows something wrong even you the greatest at hiding it. "Nothing mom I just wanted to spend some nights with you if that okay"." Yeah sure honey come on over" She says happy as ever. " Alright see you in five minute" "Okay honey" she says before hanging up. As I pull up to the front of her house something rushed into my head. "What am I going to do about our child. He doesn't even know I'm pregnant" I say on the verge of crying again.

Then I thought......I still do have my mom and my best friend so it might not be that bad after all. I got out the car and got my suitcase then I walked up to the front of my mom door and ring the door bell. Standing  at the door was a 5'3 brownish lady that had gray hair down to her back. "Hi my bundle of joy" My mom said pulling me into a hug. Honestly this made me want to cry and not because of the Nate situation but really because I miss my mother so much. Once we got in the house we sat down and drink some of her famous tea and I told her about the situation. "Oh honey it going to be okay" she said as she pulled me in for a hug and I wiped away the tears that had fallen.

" I don't want him to know about our child but I don't want my son or daughter to be fatherless like I was" I say as I let her go. "Well honey what goes around comes around and if you don't tell him now he will find out later on" she says before drinking some of her tea. "Well that better then nothing. After the graduation I'm going to go look for a house on the other side of town". "Well honey what ever you think is best I'm all in for it just know I'm here for you and my grand baby" she says rubbing my stomach. "I can't wait tell he or she comes."I say to her looking down at my stomach. "Come on honey lets get some rest" she says getting up.

I get up as well and we go to our bedroom. Instead of sleeping all I could think about was Nate and that girl. How could he I mean how could I not see this. I never really thought he would cheat on me. Then not only that but he has a child by her on the way. This had to happen this year unless he already has more kids. My child would have siblings that he or she wouldn't get to see."Ughhh you dumb jerk I shouldn't have let you" I mumble to my self. I pulled out my phone and I had 9 missed calls and 10 messages from him. I blocked his number and cried my self to sleep as I rubbed my stomach

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