New school, new interests

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I groan as I slam my fist onto the alarm clock. It crashes to the floor.

 “Please don’t be broken. Please don’t be broken,” I blabber, still a bit asleep, and slowly open my eyes to look at the floor to see my poor alarm clock. Well, it isn’t broken, but, once I see the yellow numbers on the alarm clock, I realize what time it is, and suddenly I’m the one that’s broken. I jump out of  bed and start packing my school things. It’s been three days since I moved to California. My mum has a job already and today is my first day of school. To say I am stressed is an understatement. I was so stressed that I couldn’t sleep all night. After I pack all my books for school, I go to the bathroom. I step into the shower and let my cold body warm up. When I finish my morning shower, I step out of it, and my body is instantly covered  in Goosebumps from the cold, AC’d air. I take my light pink towel and wrap it around myself, and then wash my face and put a bit makeup on. I am not really a fan of makeup. Of course, I use it, but I don’t put a ton of it, like most girls I’ve noticed in Cali do. I don’t think that I’m the most beautiful girl in the world, but I’m confident about the way I look. And I think that all girls should think that way about themselves. I get into my closet to choose my today’s outfit. I don’t really know what students wear in Californian schools, so I just choose my gray and white striped shorts, a white crop top, a jean jacket and a pair of turquoise blue Vans. I took my bag and went downstairs. My mum is still sleeping so I need to call a cab and eat something. I couldn’t get a driver’s license at 17 in the UK, so I have to get one ASAP. I called a taxi and went to eat my cereal. I am almost finished with my meal when my doorbell rings, so I guess my ride to school this morning is here. I put my bowl in the dishwasher and go outside.

 I step into the taxi and tell the driver the address of my school. When the taxi starts driving I just take my phone out and put my earphones in. It was, like, a five minute drive. When the taxi diver parked in front of my new school, I paid for it and stepped out to look around. This school is huge. I look at the people around the campus. About 50% of them are staring at me. A-w-k-ward. Oh, right, how could I forget to mention… It’s not like we moved here before the school start, we moved here in the middle of the year. So, naturally, everybody already knows each other, and I am going to be the new girl. Awesome… I took a deep breath and went inside my new school. It all looks so modern and new. I look around and there aren’t any signs. And how am I supposed to know where to go to get my timetable? I spot a nice looking girl and walk up to her. I mean, can’t just stand here and do nothing. I tapped on her shoulder and she turned around, a tad confused.

 She smiled at me and said: “Hey, you are the new girl right? And let me guess, you have trouble finding the right classes, right?”

 I laugh and answer: ‘’Yep, that’s me. And yes, I am clueless about where I need to go.’’

 ‘’Well, follow me and I’m going to show you around. Oh, and by the way, my name is Briana. And your name is?’’ she chuckled.

 ‘’Nice to meet you, Briana! I’m Pola’’ I say and she suddenly stops. I look up and notice that we are standing in front of the student councilor’s office.

 ‘’You need to go inside and take your timetable. I’m going to wait for you outside’’ Briana smiled and pointed at the door in front of me. I nod and go inside the room. There is a woman in her mid 50’s sitting there.

 She looks up from her papers and smiles at me. ‘’Hello dear. How can I help you?’’

 ‘’Hello, I’m Pola and I’m the new student here. I’m here to take my timetable?’’ that sounded more like an question than a statement.

 ‘’Oh, yes. Of course. So you are Pola Hidricson?’’’

 “Yes that’s me.”

 “Here, honey. This is your timetable for the week. I hope you will like our school. And have a good first day!” She said and looked back at her documents. I nodded and went outside into the hallway. Briana did right what she had said and was patiently awaiting me. I am glad that I already have a friend. Maybe this day won’t be so horrible after all. She was standing right outside the office with some people, talking and laughing. When she saw me she smiled and nudged her friends: “Well guys. This is Pola, the new girl.” They all smiled at me and said their hellos. “This is Trish,” she points to the black haired girl next to her. She is a bit taller than me and she has that big, friendly smile on her face, that instantly makes you cheer up. I smile back at her and say my hello. “This is Aaron,” she points to the guy next to her, whose hand is on her shoulder. I guess they are together. Well, they look cute together, so even if they aren’t, I ship them. He has hazel brown eyes and brown hair. He’s pretty hot, but not the douchebag kind of hot. ‘’And this is Jacob” she points to a really tall guy. He has ginger hair. OMG! I like ginger hair so much. He looks so cute, like the tall version of Ed Sheeran. And, let me tell you, I LOVE Ed Sheeran. Jacob has a basketball in his hands, so I guess he plays basketball. I smiled at Ed, I mean, Jacob and we shook hands. They all look so nice, and I am glad that I made 4 friends today already. I think that Trish said something, but I really didn’t hear it because my eyes were glued to three people who were walking down the hall. They looked like some kind of a badass mafia clique. Everyone around them instantly stopped talking and stepped back to give them space to walk. I saw horror in everyone eyes. Like what? They all look scared of  them. There are two boys and a girl. One of the guys has his hand wrapped around the girls shoulders. The girl is about the same height as me and she has blond hair. She doesn’t look like a bimbo or anything. They all look bad. Like, get your bags and run away. That kind of bad. So, back to the girl. She is wearing denim shorts, a white crop top and a leather jacket. The boy next to her (whose arm is around her) has brown curly hair. He is wearing black jeans, a white V-neck and a leather jacket. He looks like Harry Styles, you know, that dude from One Direction. The other boy. He has blond hair. He is wearing black jeans, a red t-shirt and a leather jacket. They all look like supermodels from a magazine. Both boys are really muscular. But the boy with the blond hair looks so damn hot. He is probably the hottest boy I have ever met.

 “You should probably try to avoid those three,” Briana said next to me.

 ‘’Why? Why does everyone look like they’ve peed their pants?’’ I ask.

 ‘’They have done a lot of bad things. You see that boy who is walking next to that girl. Not the one whose arm is around her but the other. That’s Chase. They are all in a gang. Yes, I would call it that. He is the leader. The girl, her name is Jane, is his twin sister. And boy next to her is Chase’s best friend and Jane’s boyfriend Harry.’’ Haha, that boys name is Harry, and he looks like Harry from 1D. What a coincidence. “They are all inseparable. They have been friends since kindergarten. No one knows them personally, no one knows what they do in private. But all I can say to you, is just don’t mess with them. Both of the boys can take anyone down. And they don’t really care about any other girl except Jane. We have never seen Chase date. He just sometimes sleeps with girl and dumps her the next morning. He doesn’t care about other girl’s feelings. All I can say is, just don’t look at them, don’t talk to them or get in their way. And most of all, don’t do anything that will make them take their interest in you.” She said and stepped back, to give them room. I look at their group. Are they really that bad? They do look that way, though, but something makes me feel like there are many other sides to them. And at that very moment I lock my eyes with a pair of ravishing, baby blue ones. And you know whose eyes they were? They were Chases.


Wohooo, second chapter is updated. Hope you liked it :)

Xo, Jana

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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