Part One

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Monday, 6:00 am

I snapped my eyes open to the staccato beats of my alarm clock screaming for me to get my ass out of bed. I reluctantly sat up and swung my feet over the edge of my extremely comfy, warm, inviting bed. Shimmying to the edge, I pat the blankets lovingly. "Don't worry. I'll be back after school," I whispered before hauling myself out of bed. I walked over to my closet and scanned my clothes for the perfect look that I wanted.

I don't own any name brand things. I just don't get why people pay almost forty dollars for a white tee shirt at some shit store like Hollister.

I guess I'll just go with the usual. Jeans, some random shirt (probably a flannel) and converse. Looking around for my favorite pair of black converse, I remembered that I had to pack my swim bag for after school. Varsity swimming is a blast! Ugh. I took my favorite practice suit and stuffed it in my bag with a towel, goggles, a cap, food, and whatever other shit I need for swimming.

I took a glance at my hair in the mirror, and winced as I saw the tangle of messy curls. Straightened it is. I walked into the bathroom and turned on my straightener waiting for it to get hot. While I waited I put on my makeup and texted my best bitch. Sorry, best friend.

"Mia! You up, Hun?"

"Yeah mom. Just getting ready! I'll be down soon!" I shouted down to my mother. She's such a dear. The kind of mother every single one of your friends likes.

"Alright. Come down when you're ready! I have a first day of school breakfast for you!" She called up to me with a hint of giddiness. See? Perfect mother.

I straightened my hair as quickly and carefully as I could, but somehow I still managed to burn myself. I see how the day's gonna go. Wonderful! (Note the sarcasm here.) Deciding to pull back some hair from my face I searched everywhere for some Bobby pins. I finally found some in the back of the cupboards under the sink. At this point I was on on my hands and knees halfway in. I shimmied backwards and stood up, hitting my head on the counter in the process. I grabbed my head and immediately felt a bump forming.

Pinning back the last strand of hair being careful of the now throbbing bump, I looked the mirror and sighed. Guess this is going to have to be good enough. I walked out of my bathroom and stubbed my toe on the edge of the door, tripped over my dog who, very conveniently, had laid down in the front of the walkway, and flopped onto my bed stunned into silence. It was as if the Big Man Upstairs didn't want me to leave the house. But that's ridiculous! Why would I even think that?

I picked up my bag and limped down the stairs. My mom heard me coming before she even saw me and she looked up to witness what a disaster I was.

"You okay, Hun? What happened," she asked.

"You know. Just a rough morning," I said with a reassuring smile. Her smile mirrored mine and she went to the stove and got a plate full of breakfast food. Mmm.

"Here you go," she glanced at the clock. "And if you don't want to be late for your first day, I would recommend you start eating" she said jokingly. I picked up the fork and put the first bit of omelet in my mouth. Can I just say, Heaven! I finished eating and washed it all down with a glass of orange juice.

"Bye mom. I love you. I'll see you after school," I said as I kissed her cheek. I grabbed my bag and opened the door, stepping out into the blinding morning light.

Hey family! I decided to start a new story. This is just my guilty pleasure book, so I'm not expecting much feedback.

Anyways, the picture at the top is Mia! (But its actually me because I was too lazy to find so one different :P) So, yeah!


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