2. Castle

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I sat on Izzy's bed bored out of my mind as she changed into a white vinyl crop top and a matching  skirt. I bounced my leg up and down in slight annoyance as we were behind schedule, I hated being late.

"Izzy! We're going to be late" I groaned and threw myself back on the bed. I heard her chuckle and a moment later she came out looking gorgeous as usual.

"Thank god," I said while standing up "let's go."

"Uh-uh I still need the finishing touch." Izzy then reaches into her closet and pulls out a long turquoise wig and a short white one. "Which one?" Izzy asks while shaking them both towards me.

"White for sure, it matches your outfit" I say while smiling. She throws the turquoise wig on the bed and walks towards me.

"It's platinum, honey" She says while grinning at me.

"Same thing!" I laugh.

"Isabelle lets go." Alec calls from outside the room.

"Duty calls." I huffed and locked elbows with her as we walked out.

"Hey there big bro" Izzy grins as we meet up with Alec in the hallway.

"Really?" He asked while rolling his eyes towards Izzy's attire.

"What can I say? Demons dig blondes." Izzy starts to brush the wig with her fingers.

"Of course they do but that's white" He points out.

"It's actually platinum" I correct.

"And they don't exactly like Shakespeare okay, Alec?" Izzy huffed.

"Your plenty distracting on your own." Alec replies.

"Are you telling her she should be herself?" I laughed as Izzy swatted me with her free hand.

"Never mind, looking good lets go." Alec grumbled.

I saw my older brother next to the big screen displaying a map of the town.

"Let's do this, J" I say determined.

"Alright, nice choice Izzy, demons dig blondes" Jace commented.

"Told you" Izzy winked.

"It's platinum." Alec and I say in unison.

"Alright guys here's what's up, for some reason our demon friends are killing mundanes and draining their blood" Jace said in full concentration mode, we followed suit behind him as he made his way over to the weapons area.

"Why do they want blood?" I started, "isn't that vampire territory?"

"I don't know L, lazy vampires maybe?" Jace replied while using my nickname.

"There could be something special about their blood" Izzy brainstormed.

"What could be special about mundane blood?" Alec questioned.

"You give me a sample, and I'll tell you exactly what their looking for" Izzy says with confidence laced in every word.

Jace opened up the weapon arsenal we have at the Institute and grabbed four Seraph blades.

"No thanks big bro I'm taking my rings" I say referring to my Chinese Ring Daggers.

"You sure?" Jace asked, "the blade is more powerful." He pointed out. He wasn't lying, the blade kills fast and quick where as my rings only slow demons down but I was most comfortable with using them and if you know exactly where to hurt them, they vaporize in an instant. So I reached for them I twirl them around my pointer finger, throw them up in the air, and catch them perfectly. "Positive," I say while smiling.

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