what about Roc?

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I know what your thinking 2 Chapters in a day.... I knw right *pat my back* its all for you... Love y'all... Ok.back to the story


Jess: What about Roc?


::Roc pov::

i can't move.... My side hurts.. What happened... All i remember is being in my house with jess..... Would she do something... No no she wouldn't... And i remember bahja... What was she doing... I don't remember... As i was thinking i tried opening my eyes

I couldn't.

Am i dead?

Why can't i move?

Why does my side hurt?

What happened to me?

Where am i?

Is all i could think of then i could hear someone... Someone calling my name?

::Jess pov::

Jess: Roc! Roc! Roc! Please don't leave me roc.... Please roc... Wake up WAKE UP ROC please don't leave me here... I need u I love u... Roc please i need u... Wake up pleace

RD: Its no use the doctor said he wouldn't be waking up for awhile..

Jess: Noooo this can't be happening..

I can't do this i need Air...

I left the door

JM: Jess....

I didn't even reply.... I just left... And walked outside and sat down in the garden they had...

Back in the room

RD: Just leave her.... She needs to be left alone

JM: Maybe your right...

RD: i have to go..

JM: Me too lets go

::Roc pov::

???: Roc! Roc! Roc! Please don't leave me roc.... Please roc.... Wake up..WAKE UP ROC please don't leave me here roc.... I need you i love you

I need you please wake up

I wanted to wake up.... To reply to jess... I love her too.. But i couldn't... Then i heard my dad.... What's he doing here.... He doesn't care about me? Why's he here? And why does he have a women with him? Ugh! I hate him.... Whys he even here?

The nerve..

::Jess pov::

Why does disappointment always seem to follow me around? Why does when something comes and makes me happy.. It all disappears.... Why did my mom lie to me? Why? Why did bahja shoot roc... Or try to shoot me? Why? Why does roc even go with her? Why did roc jump in front of me? Roc shouldn't have done it... It should have been me.... Roc is perfect in every way... And I'm not no one likes me...

What is jess talking about?

Will Roc wake up?

Will Rocs dad tell him about jess?

Why did bahja shoot him?

Will jess life get any better?

I don't know? Hmmm comment, vote for the.next chapter

I meant to post that yesterday... Oops

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