Since it is impossible to please God without faith which means "FAITH PLEASES GOD ""FAITH IS WHAT WE SPEAK "
WHAT WE BElIEVE INWhatever pleases God is attacked by the Devil .
MARK 4:40
This is the situation where Jesus is travelling on a boat and there's great storm in the sea .JESUS was resting peacefully and there arose a great storm and he knew it will happen .
He questions his disciples do you not have faith ? Jesus himself was on the boat . Today if we have certain storms coming in our life and we start fearing and God asks us where has your faith gone . What Is It that we will answer ? Will be we able to?
So then Jesus commanded the storm and it obeyed his word . Here thers a key to the problem . Just a command . Even if there are situations worser just a command like that of Jesus to s the storm will do . With all your heart and faith speak to the trouble and situation you are undergoing and you will see the mountains being thrown in the sea .
That's how Jesus crossed the other side . Did he fear ? No . Why did not he ? Because he knew the key to the trouble he faced . The fellow disciples screamed looking at the storm and Jesus was calm and rebuked the storm . Today in our daily life we might come across people who scream when they face difficulty . We should rebuke the hardships of their life in Jesus name . Like that of Jesus who had faith in the word .Now how to develop faith ?
1) Romans 10:17
Faith comes by hearing the word Of God .
The effective way of hearing is when you speak life .
Hearing also requires fellowship .
Psalmist says taste and see that the Lord is good .So ultimately what you say is your faith . So speak life always .
Proverbs 18:21 says thers power in what we speak . Definitely yes if Jesus had no power in the statement he gave to the storm they would have ultimately drowned but it did not happen so . Why ? Because of the power .
Death and life are the power of tongue .God's word brings life . It beings prosperity . It changes your mourning to dancing . You will witness rivers in the dessert . Thers no any situation which can withstand our God's power .
We see in Mark 11:23-24 that whosoever says to the mountain be removed and cast yourself into the sea without doubting in the heart and shall believe that it shall be done sill see the miracle in his life .
Mountains can be a struggle in your life ,might be a temporary problem , financial crisis , problems in the relationship , the temptations of life. problems within you or the problems the enemy put In your life are the ones that don't last long .
So without doubting pray that it will be thrown far away in the sea and you will see the results .
As individuals we tend to waver in faith and start doubting but we should ask Jesus to give us strength to not trust the visible things but the better invisible things that will happen to us . He will be more than happy to help us .
Blessed are those people who believed Jesus and never doubted him .
For example the women with blood .
She suffered from long with the issue of blood but what did she decide ?
She decided to touch the cloak of Jesus when she saw him pass that way . What was her faith ?
That if I touch the cloth I would be healed .
And so it happened . Even during the times of trouble If you say yes God is on my side I shall fear nothing and yes God doesn't take even a second to change the situation upside down .Faith is the currency of heaven .. so work faith speak faith .
God bless you all
It's Not A Story .. It's About You And Me And The Cross -|-
SpiritualTake a minute to encourage A minute to a appreciate A minute to love A minute to heal A minute to forgive You will end up creating a heaven on earth :)