My struggle of school everyday

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So basically I hate school. Period. I hate it so much. I never want to get up ever. I'm usually late then I walk in class and people look at me. Every class I walk to almost always alone. I look down try not to look at people because well I'm not exactly pretty....or skinny for any boy or girl to really want to talk to me and become friends. Here's a little info about me. My name is Mackenzie, I'm 12, I'm not model skinny but I'm not chunky, my face isn't clear I have to admit sadly it has acne, so what my face isn't perfect well neither is yours so. I can be a bitch sometimes. People bully me at times for my face and weight....some days I actually didn't get up for school and stayed home just because I was embarrassed of how I look.... I want to be home schooled or do online school which hopefully I can at the end of this year....well back to the story. I look down a lot and I don't really talk to people...I would like to but I feel ugly because people I don't even know talk about my face and weight...I'm actually a really nice girl when you get to know me but all they care about is my looks so they don't know I'm actually a nice, very SENSITIVE girl. Did I mention I dye my hair crazy colors? Well I do. My hair is blue and pink right now. And well...I have VERY low self-esteem like VERY VERY best friend in the whole world is very pretty and actually has a boyfriend but when I ask for help getting one she calls me desperate... I'm not at all I just want a boyfriend to help me through the bullies and my self hatred...well this is long and its late at night...I'll do another chapter to explain more soon, bye ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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