Chapter 10 - Leo

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I had no idea what her reaction was when I mentioned Oivia. Was it weird that a part of me wanted her to be jealous? Say that she disapproved?

I looked at my watch to see that it was 1:30. We were already half an hour late for practice with Marian. Lucy looked at her watch the same time I did, and we looked at each other with the same look on our faces.

"She's gonna throw a fit" I laughed.

"Well, we better get the bill" Lucy said, signaling for a waiter.

"You wanna split it?" She asked once the check was in front of me.

"We don't do that where I'm from" I laughed, placing the money on the black checkbook and standing up to help her.

"Fine, but I'm paying next time" She said, laughing.

"You can try" I teased back.

We grabbed our things and walked outside hurriedly. We were a little far from our building, so we needed to move faster.

Lucy and I were stumbling around like idiots, jumping across benches and swerving through the crowds. At the same time trying to stay together, we knew how Marian was, at the short time we knew her.

Our speculations were right when we saw her sitting alone on a bench outside building 5 with a not-so-good expression on her face.

"Where the hell were you guys? It's been a half hour!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

"Sorry, we just kind of lost track of time" Lucy tried to explain.

"For what, 3 hours?" She smirked, and raised her eyebrows playfully.

"W-what?" I asked, how did she know that?

"I saw you two at the Grub! You arrived here almost four hours ago" She said, an expression of smugness on her face now.

"Well, I guess we did" Lucy admitted sheepishly.

"Are you two like, a thing?" Marian asked.

"No!" Lucy and I said at the same time, and blurted out a few explanations. It was weird, cause I kind of hoped we were lying to her. I kind of liked Lucy, she took my mind off everything. Including Olivia.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just rehearse" Marian smiled, winking at Lucy once before linking arms with her.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I watched them walk arm in arm towards our usual practice space.

'Lego House' by Ed Sheeran was a really good choice, I liked it, and a lot easier to sing too.

While practicing, I found myself staring at Lucy. The way her face lit up when lyrics went out of her mouth, the way she blushed when she made a mistake, or the way her eyes had this concentrated look whenever she tried to read the arrangement.

We had a sort of duet moment in the end. A little, and I read the arrangement with what I hope was an expression of contentment.


Lucy: Don't hold me down, I think my braces are breaking

Leo: And it's more than I can take

Lucy: And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got you to keep me warm,Leo: If you're broken I'll mend you, and I'll keep you shelter from the storm that's raging on now


All three of us joined in together at the last chorus, and Marian was the one who finished strong.

"'That was great! I think we're getting better!" She exclaimed.

"Yep, same here. Now all we gotta worry about is the choreography" Lucy said.

"Ahhh, we forgot all about that!" I replied.

"That's easy! We got the song nailed, now we just need to whip up a couple of snazzy steps and we're good!" Marian said. Always the optimistic one.

"Alright then Ms. Choreographer, knock yourself out!" Lucy teased her.

"You'll see later in class! Cause we gotta get up there!" Marian laughed, pulling Lucy up her feet and tried pulling me up too.

She was right after all, we didn't want to be late. With Sir Raymond no one wanted to be late. Once we went upstairs, I got together with Jerome and Lucy joined Marian and Clang. Those girls were like the three musketeers. If there wasn't any practice, they were almost always together.

During class, Sir Raymond discussed a couple of terminologies and concepts for about an hour, and gave us the next hour to practice for the performance the next day. I was nervous as shit, but most of all, I was worried to let Lucy and Marian down. We all worked so hard for the instrumental, practice, and lyric arrangements, and I didn't want ruin the whole thing just cause I was the most inexperienced one.

"So what do you propose then, Marian?" I asked once the discussions were done.

She smirked playfully, and pulled Lucy and I to our feet.

For the next hour, we tried to make our steps, making a couple of silly ones, but also coming up with a couple of good ones. We tried to make them sync with the music.

Marian laughed at our one attempt, and borrowed Lucy's phone to take a video of us trying desperately to come up with choreography and making a complete fool of ourselves.

"Which reminds me! I haven't followed you on Instagram yet!" Marian told Lucy as she handed her back the phone.

"Oh, I don't have an Instagram" Lucy smiled shyly.

"What?! How do you fricking survive?!" Marian exclaimed.

Lucy just laughed and put her phone in her pocket.

"I've wanted one for a while, but I haven't got the time to make one" She smiled, trying to console a still shocked Marian.

"I can make it for you" I blurted out without thinking, as both girls turned to look at me.

"Really? That's good then! You have a lot to learn my grasshopper" Marian patted Lucy's dark head of hair.

"Grasshopper?" Lucy and I both laughed.

"It just popped into my head, okay?" Marian defended, raising her hands up in the air.

So it was settled, tonight I'd be making Lucy's Instagram account. Plus we almost had the steps nailed, and the song perfected.

I guess this voice lesson idea was starting out really good.

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