How u met 🌹

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You were a First year transfer student at Karasuno High. And currently you're late.

"Crap I'm so late I don't even know where my class is" you thought trying to look for your class. Distracted you didn't notice you had bumped into someone


"hey watch it" a cold voice told you in an annoyed way. you looked up and saw a tall boy with dark raven blue hair and a milk carton he had a cold aura to him .

"I-I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" you said scared. Kageyama looked at you and blushed a little

"no it's okay I should've watched where I was going" he said ,he looked at your face one more time and thought you were cute he then noticed a schedule in your hand.

"Are you perhaps a new student?".

"Oh um yes I am, I just transferred in today if it's not to much of a bother could you help me find My class" you asked.

"Sure...oh your in my class" he said in a moderately shocked voice.

"Really? That's great I'm glad I'll get to be in class with a nice guy like you" you smiled "my name is (last name/First name) I hope we can get along"

kageyama looked at your smiling face and couldn't help but blush.

"My name is kageyama tobio nice to meet you"

It was your first day at Karasuno High and you were freaking out . The only reason you were here was because your dad got transferred from work to here. Since you didn't know anything you didn't realize you were late.

"Oh no freaking great" you ran outside your house and went to school , as you were at the front gate of the school you saw another student around the same age as you. His bright orange hair had caught your attention. He hopped of his bike and started talking to himself

"crap I'm late I'm late, kageyamas gonna kill me for not going to morning practice."

You thought to yourself

"morning practice?


as he was leaving you, managed to build up the courage and talk to him.

"Um excuse me!"

"Y-YES!" he responded back with a little blush on his cheeks

"I'm sorry but I'm new and I don't know where my class is can you please show me where it is"

"OH yes of course." He looked at your schedule "OH! Your class is right next to mine so I can walk you to it" he said with a smile

"o-oh okay thank you my name is (y/n) nice to meet you"you said with a blush.

"My name is shoyo hinata nice to meet you too" he said with a cute grin

Tsukishima 🌹
You were new too town and you were starting a new highschool. You were getting ready for your first day of school.

"Hey sweetie our new neighbor has a kid your age and he goes to karasuno" your mom said "Me and his mom were talking and I asked her if her son could walk you to school and show you around isn't that exciting !" She said with a mischievous smirk

WHAT?" you screamed " Mom noooo you know how antisocial I ammm I can barley order at McDonald's without having a whole anxiety attack what makes you think I could talk to some random boy I don't even know?!"

"It'll be fine stop exaggerating now go bye love you"

Before you knew it you were walking along side a tall guy. He had short blond hair and he wore black glasses and he wore a cold aura. At times you saw him shoot glares at you. You both didn't exchange a single word throughout the walk, the silence felt like an eternity until he spoke

"so what's  your name?" He said in a somewhat cold tone

"o-oh my name is (last name first name) what about yours"

"I'm tsukishima kei"

You smiled "nice to meet you tsukishima kei "

It was that time of year when clubs start to recruit new members. You decided it would be fun to join a sports club when a pretty girl with glasses asked you to Join the volleyball team as a potential manager. you being the curious person you are decided to go to see the volleyball team practice, as you stepped into the gym a loud sound stopped you in your tracks and all you heard was a

"ROLLING THUNDER"  that's all you were able to remember after waking up in the nurses office the first thing your eyes landed on were three heads bowing to you.

"What?" You finally saw their facial features. The guy in the middle was tall and had short black hair the one on the left was bald and the one in the right had black and blond hair.

"We're so sorry please forgive us! We didn't mean to cause you any harm" the guys in the right and left said in perfect sync.

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience these two idiots caused you they're really dumb and don't know what they're doing half of the time" the one with short black hair said

"oh it's okay don't worry about it you meant no harm" you chuckled

"A GODESS" The ones on the right and left said. the one with short black hair hit them in their heads

"I am so sorry. My name is Daichi Sawamura   and those two idiots are Nishinoya and Tanaka".

"Nice to meet you nishinoya,tanaka and daichi" After they introduced themselves daichi stayed with you until you felt better.

You had gotten ready to go to volleyball practice and once you stepped into the gym you noticed that the boys and girls volleyball team were  practicing together inside the gym because it was raining. Normally the girls and boys team would take turn on who gets the practice gym, You decided to practice with your friend until you heard a loud

"rolling thunder!" you turned around to see a boy with blond and black hair do some cool block you were completely mesmerized and your friends were able to see your face filled with excitement

"(y/n) stop no don't do it don't" said your friend knowing that when you get excited you start to yell.

"(Y/n) please no don't do it" said your other friend

"WOOOAH SENPAI THAT WAS SO COOL" you screamed  loudly

Everything went silent you soon realized you had started to yell again

"Shit I did it again how embarrassing" you thought to yourself with a bright red face.

The guy immediately looked at you and said "S-Senpai ? YES I AM YOUR SENPAI WHATS YOUR NAME" He asked

"WHAT? my name is (last and first)" he soon told you his name was Nishinoya yuu  and that was the start of a beautiful "friendship"

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