The vampire next door

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Chapter 1


I jump and end up face planting with the cold hard wood floor. One question running through my head at...3 in the morning!: WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?. I shove my body off the floor, all the while rubbing my now sore face. I swear people have no respect for others who are trying to get some sleep for their big day in 5 hours!. I rip the curtains apart and peer through the foggy glass, i get my shirt sleeve and make a medium sized circle. I then lean in and look at the huge Uhaul pulling in across the street to the old house. What the fuck?! Who would be moving at this time of morning, and since when did Uhauls allow people to have their trucks for this hour?. I step back, tripping on my own feet. My door slams open and my dad comes running in with his football helmet on and his lucky aluminum bat that he uses in case someone brakes into the house. The last person who broke into the house left with wet pants, and a bump on the head. It wasn't water, but they pissed their pants. Dad never forgot that day and tells us it every time we go camping. I stare at him from my place on the floor "WHO IS IT? WHO BROKE IN?" i tap my fingers impateintly as he finally notices me. "sweety, what happened?" i point to myself then the floor "oh. You'd be fine" he then walks out my room whistling with a huge smile. Gotta love em'. I get off the floor, the only reason he's here is because he wanted to 'catch up on dream land z's and make sure his little pumkin wumpkins gonna be alright with living on her own' was his words. I scoffed to myself and climbed bacm in bed. I close my eyes only for them to snap open as a bright light lit up my whole room. I groaned so loudly im surprised it didnt wake up manhattan. I pulled the covers over my head and sigh, a loud BEEEEEEEEEEEEP echoed yet again. I wasnt gonna win! I need the sleep and if i see that person im gonna give them a peice of my mind!. I get up and walk over to the window, i open it and yell out the the cold winter night "yo! People are trying to get some sleep! Go to bed! Oh wait! You cant cause your moving in at 3 in the damn morning! Give it a rest already and sleep in the truck for the night!" the lights shone in my eyes as i slammed the window back close. The lights go off and i sigh in relief, the person obviously wanted to get on my nerves since they beeped for what felt like hours. I groaned, once i wake up i wont go back to sleep. This isnt funny, its rediculous. The beeping finally comes to a stop, but by the time i close my eyes im on the floor. AGAIN. I look at my window to see it broken, a laege rock lay not too far away from my face. This person was really asking for it. I yell and swing my bedroom door open, and run down the stairs and out the door with the large rock in hand. I sprint across the street and to the drivers side of the Uhaul. I bang on the door and it swings open. A boy with short blond hair, green eyes, and so flawless, has a smirk on his face. I glare at him and hold up the rock "was this necessary?! You fucking broke my window you asshole!" i throw the rock at him and it hits him in the head "what the hell are you doing at... 3:30 in the fucking morning with a damn Uhaul, beeping and what not?! Are you trying to wake up manhattan?!" his smirk grows "i dont give a damn if your the damn pope! You need to go to bed, people are trying to rest you jerk!" i throw another pair of daggers at him before speed walking across the street and into the house. I'll deal with him later. I slam the door close and run upstairs then proceed to jump in bed. My eyes close, but i was far from sleep. Something about that boy scared me, i realized it by the time i climbed in bed. Something about him isnt right.

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