C H A P T E R 3

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          I sit in my dorm room alone in the dark with my lamp offering a hazy light, barley but enough to see my book. Fangirl. In my state of mind at the moment nothing could go wrong or be bothersome, Nick was out with Kimmel. My brother wasn't stopping by until 10, and classes haven't started yet so nothing filled my schedule but this book and my inconvenience. At least I thought.

A sudden thud on the door causes me to drop my book on the floor muttering a quick cuss word or two before hollering,

"I'm coming God damn it." I statically drag my feet across the floor in order to get to the door. I open the door with an annoyed look only to be replaced with utter shock when I see Ryan standing there.

"Uh- uh I I I'm sorry I thought you were someone else." I mutter a blush raging onto my cheeks. He grins but it's instantly replaced by a serious look.

"Your brother wanted me to tell you he's not gonna be coming over." He sighed looking over his shoulder. "Trev and Sarah again?" I question, he nods. Sarah is Trevor's girl friend who is almost always mad at him and when they make up they Fuck for days it seems like. Ryan chuckles nervously.

"Can I camp out in here for uh a little bit, at least until they're done?" He says, his southern accent mixing with his nervousness. I giggle.

"Of course, I'm sure you don't care to know what Sarah and Trevor do behind closed doors." He shakes his head rapidly making a face of disgust. I look at him quizzically.

"Well are you doing to come in?" He nods pulling a bag out from behind him labeled C.T. for Chinese takeout. I grin.

"I brought food." He adds.

"You were just counting on me letting you in weren't you?" I question. He nods smoothly making his way into my room setting the food on the bed. He bends over and picks up the fallen book handing it to me, saying,

"Ahh. The college boy and the newbie." I gasp

"You've read it??!!" He nods at me. And I squeal. I look up again.

"Wait... so you like to read." He looks at me as if battling weather or not he should tell me something.

"Don't tell anyone but I fancy the thrill reading gives me." I nod knowing exactly what he's taking about.

"Your secret is safe with me." I mutter with a sly smile. He grins holding out his pinky.

"Promise?" I throw my head back in laughter. And wrap my pinky around his for the second time today, redeeming the warmth I felt previously.

"Promise." He nods.

"Good." I don't answer I just stare at our intertwined pinkies. We don't talk for a few minutes before a noise outside from the hall startled us from our staring.

"Lets eat." He claims throwing his hand up in the air. I giggle and says

"Yes," and help him open the food and spread containers out on the floor. We sit on our stomachs eating noodles and rice with chicken pieces, egg rolls, wonton's and baby ribs.

I let out a heavy groan "Godddd, I'm so full." He chuckles lightly.

"Thank you for the food." I say reaching for my wallet. He shakes his head. I giggle and nod.

"Oh no you don't," he whispers with a hoarse ton, and I grab a twenty out of my wallet and try and Hand it to him. He grabs it and places it behind my head on my night stand. I shake my head.

"You will take this money." He shakes his head attempting to grab the money, but I throw my hands behind my back and lay on my back. He climbs over top of me putting one hand beside my head to steady himself and the other hand on my hip reaching for my money. I gasp lightly looking at him in his bright brown eyes, he lets out a shaky breath and smiles down at me, I smile back up at him and his hand starts to slightly move forward. His face starts to lean down and my hands go to his lower abdomen. Suddenly there's a knock on the door and we break apart slowly. I clear my throat and turn a slight peach colour and rise to my feet. I open the door to see Nick.

"Nick it's your room you could have just come in." I laugh lightly. He notices the red on my face and takes a peak inside when he sees Ryan looking down breathing heavily he gasps, my eyes widen and I put my hand over his mouth, stepping outside, pulling the door closed behind me. I put a finger to my lips letting him know to be fucking quiet. He nods

"You guys made out?" He whispers.

"Noooo. My brother is having sex with the hoe and isn't letting Ryan in the room." He nods and continues.

"Well I won't be home tonight, staying at kimmys," I nod and say
"Okay, bye." He nods and turns around the corner, I stop before turning the knob and breathing in heavily taking a step inside smiling widely at Ryan. I giggle slightly when I see him by my book shelf wiping dust off the shelf. He hears me enter and turns giving me a wide smile.

"You have so many." I nod

"Reading is my passion." He nods at me.

"So uh are we going to finish eating or do you want to watch a movie." He asks shyly. I giggle. And pull out a bag of pop corn

"How about we do both?" He smirks and makes us a a pallet on the floor. He holds up the help and I giggle.

"Really?" He gives me a glace and says,

"What?" With a sly smile.

"Nothing." I giggle out. And he slides the movie into my lap top.

The lap top is right next to my bed with food surrounded.

"Cam." He whispers, half way into the movie. I clear my throat and say

"Y-yeah Ryan." Sleepily

"C-can I hold you." He manages to mutter out. I take in a strong breath.

"yeah" I whisper. His arms slid around my waist his neck goes to the side of mine, and I snuggle into his chest and I slyly fall sleep in his arms.

My Brothers Best Friend #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now