C H A P T E R 4

274 4 1

         *Ryan's pov*
          I wake up with a warm Angel in my arms.


God she's so beautiful. Last night was a blast, honestly I didn't just go to her dorm Because Trevor decided to have sex, but because I really wanted to talk to her. And now I have her in my arms. She must think I'm an idiot. I tried to kiss her, she must think I'm a Fuck boy. But I'm not. I feel her stir below me and I quickly close my eyes. I hear her sigh and I can't help but let a smile ripple off my face. She tries to get up but I hold her tighter and snuggle my face into her neck and she giggles.

"Stay still, your warm." I whisper and she laughs and turns over snuggling into my chest. I run my fingers through her hair and she sighs, I feel her hands travel to my back and I look down at her.

"So we don't start classes for another day." She nods.

"So let's spend the day together, getting to know each other." She giggles,

"Okay." And she closes her laptop with the screen that now says, 'would you like to keep watching?'
Cameron giggles and mutters, "um duh. I always wanna keep watching." I chuckle a bit.

-  x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x -

Over the coarse of the next three hours I learn that Cameron loves the color black, hates pink, lives off Netflix, she hates Mexican food with a burning passion, her parents abandoned her, she loves to read, wants to have a double major in writing and English, and would love it if she could spend her time upholding the reputation of avoiding the human race. I laugh at the last part and say,

"Cammy you are a part of the human race, you cannot just avoid it." She smirks,

"You are absolutely right." I do a double take because she didn't argue with me. She then continues.

"But It doesn't hurt to try." I glare at her playfully and say,

"Touché." She giggles and turns over rolling outs of my hold. I groan wanting her to lay back down with me. She just giggles and holds up a finger to me. Grabing two bowls out from her storage cart that looks oddly like a cabinet, two plastic spoons, a box of cookie crisp cereal and a two liter bottle of milk placing the spread on the floor in front of us. I just laugh.

We sit quietly on the floor eating just staring at each other, she drops a little bit of milk on her face and shirt. She flushes read and I laugh, she wipes it off and giggles.

I guess she didn't see the milk on her outer lip so I lift my finger to her lip a wipe it away lightly, I hear her intake a shaky breath and I smile at her happily. She giggles and we continue to eat our cereal. I finish cleaning my bowl and spoon, drying them and putting the materials back where I found them. I start to clean her dorm room back up while she's in the shower. I fold our very wrinkled covers and place them back on her bed, I put her laptop on her table and connect it to the charger. I take our food from last night and conserve the leftovers in one container and put it into the mini fridge, and put the rest in the trash can outside in the hall so it doesn't stink up her dorm room. I hear the shower stop and I hear the blow drier start so I put my shoes by the door and fold my hoodie onto the edge of the bed and fancy myself with her bookshelf once again fascinated with all the books she's managed to collect and read. The bathroom door opens and she steps out gasping playfully angry.

"I told you I would clean up." She says groaning. I chuckle.

"What's the point when I already did." She nods

"True thank you." I nod

"Anytime sweet thang." I throw her a playful wink and she blushes.

"C'mon." I say with my heavy accent "I want to take you out."

"To where might I ask?" I sigh. She so cute when she acts sophisticated. Wait what am I saying God Damn it Ryan she would never think of you that way
I snap out of my day dream due to Cameron laughing and saying

"Penny for your thoughts." I chuckle

"I'm thinking about where I might take you, I honestly didn't think I would get this far." She laughs an incredible real laugh.  Oh her laugh. Her laugh instantly turns into a frown and I panic.

"Well it uh doesn't matter, I don't wanna be a burden." She says looking towards the ground. How could she think that? I shake my head moving toward her in two big strides.

"Cammy." She doesn't look at me, so I try again.

"Cameron." She looks up from her position on the ground.

"Cameron, you will never ever be a burden to me, if anything I'm the burden to you. Now I really want to take you out, unless that's not okay with you." I add sending a playful smirk her way, she sends a giggle back.

"Yes I would love for you to take me out."

"Cam are you okay?" I ask her in all seriousness. She nods,

"Yeah I'm fine," her reply doesn't reach her eyes, and I look at her oddly and she sighs, shaking her head no.

"Cam please be okay for me, if someone or anything is bothering You tell me, I can't promise to fix all of your problems but I can promise you that You won't go through them alone." She gives me a real smile.

"Ryan, I actually think I'm starting to be okay." Those were the words I needed to hear. I decide to bring something back in that I did last night, I hold my pinky out to her and whisper,

"Promise?" She giggles loudly that sound makes my heart melt I think to myself. She replies with a heart full

"I promise." As she crosses her pinky over mine. I take her hand in mine and grab my hoodie as she grabs her purse and her phone and I drag her out of the door now knowing where I'm going to take her.

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