Prologue 'Why?'

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Hope you guys enjoy!! Expect the unexpected!!

Unknown P.O.V

I look to my left where the toddler sat sleeping. Tear streaks were on his face. He was the perfect subject for what we have planned. I smirk evilly at the boy. He has no clue what's going to happen to him. This thought causes me to chuckle darkly. This boy is going to do many things for us. Many, many things indeed.

Steve P.O.V

We were all in the living room. A few couches on the outside of 2 medium sized coffee tables. (Picture above!) We as in Tony, Bruce, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Maria Hill, Fury and myself were all sitting around telling stories and playing board games all that. I must admit it was very fun.

" I Win!" Tony yells in joy. He had just won 'Sorry' Clint, Natasha, and I groan he now has leverage to boast and we know he will. Fury having decided to join us tonight, chuckled at our antics. Causing us to all look at Fury surprised. " What I'm not at work, I can have fun!" He defends himself. We all smile at that.

I was about to ask who wants to play Jinga when a phone went off. We all look to who's phone went off it was Clint's. He looks at the caller ID. He raises an eyebrow confused. " Who is it?" Natasha asks. " Local Law Enforcement." At that we were all confused. He answers it. " Clint Barton speaking." He say. Whoever called asked a question. " Yes she is, Why?" We were confused as to who she is. Clients face turned from one of confusion to horror.

We all look at each other. It had to be something big because he never shows horror or fear. Then to sadness. Then anger. No rage was a better word for that face. " No one touches anything till I get there! I want to be the first to question this guy! You got that!!" He all but yells into the phone. Even from here I knew that whoever on the phone was scared.

He hung up the phone stood up and walked to the hall area to get to the rooms. He stops at the opening. " Clint what's wrong!?" Natasha asks obviously not seeing this side of him. " Tony I apologize in advance." He says. Tony looks at him confused. " Wh-" he never got to finish as Clint's fist pierces the wall. Creating a hole. Before he walked away he said. " If you want to know what's going on be ready to leave in five have you weapons, badge etc..." And he walked away to his room.

With this we all look at each other concerned. We got up and did as told and like he said in five minutes he was walking to the elevator. We walked into the elevator as well. He pressed the garage button. I studied him. His eyes were puffy and red obviously he had been crying.

Clint walked over to the limo. Happy having been informed by Tony to be ready to drive was there ready. We all got in. " Happy take us here!" He handed Happy the directions he had written on a piece of paper.

And we were off. " Agent, what's wrong!?"  Fury asks full of concern. Clint looked close to tears again. He took a long breath then started. " My sister was just murdered by her husband." He says voice shaking in the process. We all gaped at that. We didn't even now that he had a sister. We pulled up to the run down part of town. And found that the streets were swarming with police. Clint got out and walked up to the tape. Pulled out his badge and walked by we did the same. We walked up a few flights of stairs.

A cop walked up to us. " Sir, I know she's family but I don't think you should go in." The man sounded haunted. " I am going in." Clint says determined. The officer nods and walks us in. We walk into the apartment to find a shocking sight. A women with bruises up and down her body blood pooled around her. Clint gasps. " Sally..." We heard faintly escape his mouth. " Were's her son?" Clint says not even looking our way. "That's the thing sir we can't find himself not anywhere to be found." Clint nodded and looked around.

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