Ch 1 Past Revealed

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Okay Hawkeye has the safe house but it's set up for when they find Percy! And Quicksilver/Pietro lives! And no one quits the Avengers! I made a miner tweak and added Peter Parker aka Spiderman to this!

14 years later

Wanda's P.O.V

It's been a year since Pietro and I joined the avengers not to long after Bucky Barnes also known as The Winter Soldier joins. He is still is getting most of his memories back but he's now on the good side. Peter Parker mostly known as Spiderman was recruited by Tony as another 'Science Bro'.

Ever since we got back Clint's been a bit distanced. We all know this. Pietro and I walk into the Living room. To see Clint looking at a map. Natasha and Bruce cuddling on the couch watching with sad faces. Tony and James were talking, but Tony had a face that was rare for him sadness. James looked as confused as us. Thor and Vision were talking by the window Thor's face held sorrow as well. Fury was sitting at the coffee table with a sorrowful face. Maria as well. Peter was taking pictures of the city below with a confused expression when he glanced at the others. I look at Pietro and he just shrugs. " Why is everyone so sad?" I ask in my Russian ascent. Clint stops what he's doing and looks at us.

He gave a sad smile. " Guess you guys don't know, huh?" He says he sits down on a love seat that had been left alone. " I'll tell you guys when everyone's here." He says we all nod. Not to long after Steve, Sam and Bucky walk in from there run. Steve sees our faces and looks at Clint with a sad smile. " Its time isn't it?" All the original avengers nod. He sighs. His face showing sadness as well. " What's going on?" Sam asks seeing everyone's faces. Clint motions us to sit down. We all do.

Clint pulls out a picture that had seen better days and looked at it. " Tony mind showing them the picture on the hollow gram?" Clint asks still looking down. We expected Tony to refuse but he just nodded and a picture shows up on the hollow gram. It had a women with brown hair and blue eyes with a baby that had black hair and sea green blue eyes, (Picture above!) the women was smiling at the baby. Clint let out a shaky breath. " That was my sister Sally Jackson and her son Percy Jackson." He said and everyone went silent. After a few minutes Peter speaks up. " Was?" Clint nods. " 14 years ago she was killed by her husband Gabe Ugliano..." He takes in another breath his eyes filling with tears. Sam was the one to speak up this time. " What happened to the kid?" We all had tears in our eyes not wanting to know what we feared had happened.

" We don't know much but we know that Gabe tied Percy to a chair to make him watch as his mother was beaten and killed and..." Clint trailed off. The original Avengers had tears streaming from their eyes. Us new avengers were not far behind. " He was sold to..." At this we knew Clint couldn't finish because he was full out sobbing. Tears were streaming from my eyes. Natasha finished for him. " He was sold to HYDRA." She said shaking a bit from her crying. Bruce pulled her closer.

Our eyes all grew wide. " How old was he?" I ask after a few minutes. Clint gave a small smile as a memory passed his mind. " 3." Us new avengers gasped what sick man would sell a 3 year old to HYDRA? After about 30 minutes Clint went back to looking at the map. " Why are you looking at a map?" James asks for the first time since we found out about Clint's nephew.

" HYDRA is basically dismembered. And at every base we were at there was no information about Percy. There has to be a base still around or no longer existing that has him or information of him." Clint says his face showing determination. Clint's eyes still showed hope of finding Percy.

Bucky stood up and walked to the map his hand started to trace the map. We all looked at him like he had grown two heads. His hand all of a sudden stopped. Bucky gasped his face changing to on of guilt and strangely enough hope.

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