Ch 2 Japan

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Hope you enjoy!! Tell me what you think!! Ps they know almost all languages. They being the avengers. I will tell you guys if it's they are speaking English if not then they are speaking in Japanese!! Thank you now enjoy!

Wanda P.O.V

We just arrived in Japan a day ago. I'm going to Ashinaka High School along with Sam the new culinary teacher. Good thing he knows how to cook and good to. Pietro and Fury the new History teacher are going to Seiyo Academy. Tennoz High is were Brice is going to be a Science teacher and Peters going as well as a student.

I sighed and decided I was going to take a walk. " I'm going for a walk!" I say as I walk to the door. 'Natalie' Natasha actual playing my mom yells from the kitchen. " Be safe! And be back before curfew!" I raise an eyebrows, there's a curfew? I walk out of the house and I decide that I'll walk to a park not to far from the house. As I was going it started to rain. But I just wanted to clear my head so I kept going.

As I was walking a group of gangsterish guys walk up to me and surround me. " Hey baby why don't you came with us?" He asks. I really didn't want to us my powers. " Umm, no thank you." I say trying to pull away. " Why not?" Another says. There were 5 of them. " Come on babe!" Another says I was really about to knock the s*** out of them. When a voice says coming from an alleyway says.

" I thought we told you not to force yourself on any more women or there would be consequences." The voice was a guys he sounded bored and displeased. The men frozen and glanced in that direction. Someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind them.

In a flash I was behind the person. There was a glisten from an earring at the top of his or her left ear. " I thought she said no to wanting to go with you. This is one of those moments were I'm fine with kicking your sorry butts." The person in front of me said. The voice was feminine. " And you know when she wants to hurt someone that she means business since she doesn't fight to often." The guy in front of the now terrified group of guys. In one second after this was said the guys bolted.

The girl in front of me chuckled. " Gets them every time!" She turned to me. She was a good 5 inches shorter then me. " You know it's not safe to walk alone at night right?" She asked her voice had a scolding and worried tone to it.

" They didn't hurt you did they." The guy from before asks worried. He stood next to us now. " No they didn't." I respond. " Good!" The girl says she gave a warm hearted smile. " Come on let's go dry off its cold now!" She says as she grips my wrist gently and started to walk with me following. The guy started to follow chuckling. He walked up next to me.

" Sorry about her." He says giving a small smile. His eyes glowed in the night. His right eye was a bright neon blue while the other was a purplish blue color. He had a kind genuine smile ." It's fine." We walked up to a little soup restaurant area. A kind looking man popped his head from the back. " Hey you two who's your friend?" He asked as he walked up to them. " She's new to town and we met her!" The girl says smiling.

" Ah, Hello my names Dijiro I own this shop you go ahead and look at the menu." He says. He went to ruffle the guys hair and stopped as he took in our appearance. " Eh, you guys are soaked I'll be out with towels in a sec go ahead and take a seat." The two of them nodded. And walked us to a booth in a corner.

The guy came out seconds later and handed us a towel each. We thanked him. And he left. " Thank you for before." I say out of no where. " No problem, those guys like to hassle people and take advantage of women you did us a favor for letting us now that there still around." The guy said all of a sudden. His hair was dry and now that there was light I took at their appearances.

The guy was about 6'4 he had dark blue hair and like I said earlier his right eye was a bright neon blue while the left was a purplish blue. He had on the senior guys outfit for Ashinaka High School. He had a choker on that had a cross. He was kind of cute in my opinion. Wait Wanda get a hold of yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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