Chapter 1~ The Accident

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson

               "Rose, Lets go!" Mom called from downstairs. Today we are going dress shopping for my 18th birthday. I'm finally turning 18! I'm really excited. Especially since my brother Louis and the rest of his band are coming home. They've been gone for a year on tour and I missed them so much.

               We had been driving for about an hour and the store we are going to is in London. We live in Doncaster so it takes quite a while to get there.

               "So, Rose," my dad started, "Are you excited about your party?"

               "Of course! Especially since everyone I love will be there."

                                                                *Skip shopping*

                                                                *On Way Home*

            "Rose, I ordered your cake. I figured you would get a turquoise dress so that's what colour the icing is." My mom said.

            We drove a little longer. Next thing I knew, we were hit. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was my mom screaming and then a severe pain.

            I woke up the next morning in the hospital. My leg was in a cast and there was an IV attached to my arm and my ribs hurt really bad. This can't be good. I pressed the button that called the nurse.

           She came in. Oh, thank God its a girl.

           "Oh, good, you're awake." She said.   "That I am. Can you tell me whats wrong with me please?"   "Yes, you're leg and two of your ribs are broken. But other than that everything else is fine. You're healthy and everything looks normal. But there is one thing I need to tell you. Your parents, they're um, they are dead. I'm sorry. We had no way to save them. They were already dead when we got to the seen. They were killed on impact. You must have been sitting behind one of the seats. A piece of broken glass from the windshield did pierce your right side, and that is what brokae your ribs. Unfortunately, your parents were hit in the head and neck by the glass, and that's what killed them." she explained.

         "Okay, um thanks." she left. you instantly started balling. You were so close to your parents. Especially your mom. But now they are gone. You calmed yourself down then called Louis.

                                                                  *Phone Call* 

           "Hello, Louis?"            

          "Rose! Thank God you're okay. I was so worried."

          "Where are you. I need you."

          "I just landed at the airport. I will be there in a half hour. What room are you in?"

         "37. See you soon. Love you"

         "Love you."

                                                              *End phone call*

         Alright I guess I can relax for a while. I wonder if any of Louis' fans heard about the accident. Guess I can check twitter. Woah!! 10,000 mentions. Let's see what some people said.

        @larrylovetrain said: OMG ARE YOU OK?? YOU BETTER NOT BE HURT. THAT IS NOT ALLOWED.

        @getbetterrose said: oh my god. are you okay. please be okay. I don't ever know how long I cried when I found out about the accident. Please be okay. Love you!

       @jyllian_marie said: omg rose, are you okay? we need to hang out soon. text me. love you

       Alright time to put some of them at ease.

       Hey guys! Read a lot of your tweets. Lots of love going around. if your wondering, yes, I am hurt. My leg and two of my ribs are broken. But i'm fine! I'll be out doing all of my normal errands. please pray for my family though as my mommy and daddy have passed #R.I.P.MommyAndDaddy  

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