Chapter 2 ~ Fun With the Boys

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                   Louis finally arrived. I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug.

                  " I missed you so much Lou!"

                  "I missed you to sis. how are you. ya know other than the injuries. Coping okay?"

                  " yeah I guess. I mean I cant control what happened. but I do miss them."

                 " me too, love. me too. What do you say we get out of here. Go get coffee or something to get our minds off everything."

                 "Sounds great."

                 Louis ordered your guys drinks. You sat there for about an hour just catching up. Louis told you about the tour and you told him about school. You told him how excited you were to be turning 18 and how you were inviting Jyllian and how much fun it was gonna be.

               "You know Rose, when we were on tour, Harry talked about you nonstop. He even got a rose tattoo. He always had a boquet of roses sitting on the bathroom counter. It is kinda of cute."

               "Wait, are you saying Harry likes me?"

              "Either that or he just really likes roses."

              "Oh my God. Hes so sweet! I cant believe this."

             "We should probably get going. Here, let me help you up."

          You guys left. Louis drove you guys to your house. I'm assuming the boys are already there.

        You walked in the door and everyone was waiting for you on the couch. How on earth did he get in here so fast.

         "ROSE!!!!!" they all shouted. They engulfed you in a hug.

        "Can't breathe. Room getting darker." you said and all the boys laughed. As soon as they freed you, you went up to them individually giving them a kiss on the cheek. They had always been like brothers to you.

       "LET THE GAMES BEGIN" Louis yelled and all the boys scattered through the house and the only two people left in the living room were you and ee

      "UNFAIR, you guys can run and I can barely walk." you said and gestured to your leg.

      Next thing you knew Harry picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. He ran down to the basement. And I guess we are playing some kind of war game so there are like no lights on.

      Suddenly someone turned the lights on. You heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs. Our base has been compromised. OH NO!

     "RUN HARRY!!!!!" He sprinted up the stairs and into the kitchen. He put me down.

     "What are you doing?" I asked.

     "I'm tired. You try carrying around someone. You may be light but that cast isn't helping.

     "Well then." you said pretending to be upset. You looked around for something to throw at him. As your eyes scanned the room they landed on flour. Perfect! He was facing  the fridge so I took my chance. I grabbed a handful and threw it in his hair.

     "Oh its on, Tommo!" he shouted.

     As you continued with your flour fight, you heard giggling and you both turned around to see 4 boys with water guns looking at you with huge smiles on their faces.

     They covered you in water and water mixed with flour isn't a good mix. Then they blindfolded you and carried you somewhere which you guessed was the basement. They tied you to chairs back to back and took off your blindfolds.

     "Rose, Harry, admit your love for each other or suffer the consequences." Niall said in his announcer voice.

      "Rose, I like you. a lot. And I am not just saying that because I am under pressure. Its true. I've liked you since the day of the final episode of the x factor when I met you. I love you and I always will." Harry confessed.

     "You've really liked me that long? I have liked you since then too, but I always thought you were too good for me." I said.

     "Rose, if anything, you're too good for me. You're beautiful and perfect in every way. And that's what I love about you. Will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?"

     "Oh my God yes. A million times yes"

     And then we were interrupted by Louis yelling, "PDA, PDA, MY INNOCENT CHILD EYES!"

    "Please, Louis, there is nothing innocent about you," Liam said.          

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