Chapter Four - Fight By The Fire

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Gally stood dumbfounded, then he snapped back to his senses. A shocked look was worn on his face.

"What are you talking about Greenie?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, shuck."

"I'm not gonna-"

"Gonna fight a girl? Come on Gally, we all know you're just saying that cause you're afraid to get your ass kicked."

A few people Oooed and laughed, while he stood there, his shocked face melting into rage.

"Alright Greenie. Can't say I didn't worn ya."

"And can't say I didn't worn you."

You both stepped into the ring that Gally and the other Gladers had been using. Newt counted you in.


Gally launched himself at you but you rolled over, landing behind him. He turned round, his hands reaching for your shoulders when you kicked your leg up into his stomach. He doubled over for a second then regained his stance. You dove for his legs, knocking him over, he landed on the sandy ground with a thump. He tried to get up but you kicked him over again, placing your foot on his back, preventing him from getting up.

"And that's how you do it."

Applause exploded from every Glader as they surrounded you, Minho and Frypan lifting your up onto their shoulders.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" They were shouting as the two guys carried you towards Alby and Chuck with Newt following close behind.

"Okay Okay guys, you can put me down now."


They set you down and you sitting back on the log you were on before the fight. Chuck is grinning like mad.

"How did you do that Y/N?"

"Yeah how'd you do that Greenie?"

Alby and Chuck surround you in questions.

"Hold on! I'll tell you. Gally attacks the upper half of his opponent but he also protects his top half. Meaning his legs are weakly defended and easily taken out."

"Wow. Impressive." Says Minho, sitting only inches from you. You still don't notice. (Idiot, the boy's in love with you) (Dense as Seji) (Actually though)

"Thanks." You smile, your face lighting up.

"No problem Greenie."

You could feel stares on you and Minho, especially from Chuck and Newt. Your face burned pink and you looked away from everyone, facing the fire instead. You feel an arm wrap your shoulder and you turn to see Minho a few inches away from your face.

"Hey...uh, Y/N? C-Can I talk to your for a second? In private?

"Sure Minho."

"Great, here, follow me."

He stood up, helping you up from your seat and walked over towards the Deadheads, with his arm slung over your shoulder. His face was red, probably from the heat of the fire that you two had just left. You walked a bit into the forest before Minho stopped suddenly.

"So what did you want to talk about..?"

"I uh,...this."

He leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours. You could feel the heat radiating of his blush cheeks and you swear your cheeks were the same. You kissed him back, he pushed you gently against a tree, his arm slipping around your waist. Your arms latched around his neck, resting your hands on his back. He opened his eyes and pulled away, slowly, his arms still around your waist.

"That is what I wanted to talk about."


"Heh, come on, let's go. They probably think we're dead."

"Hahaha. Okay, hm."

He unwrapped his arms from around your waist and held your hand, entwining his fingers with your's. You two walked towards the fire again, breaking apart before anyone saw you. You sat back down on the log and Minho sat beside you, no gap between you. Newt stared at you until you couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm going to bed, night guys."

"Night Y/N." They all chorus except Minho.

"Night Greenie."

"Night Minho."

You get up and walk towards the Deadheads again and look for the tree you slept beside last night. You find it and lay down, quickly falling asleep.


You are sitting in a bright, white room. On your ankles are silvery chains like shackles, they cut into your skin. A small  trail of dark, crimson blood dripped onto your feet, staining them red. A voice was shouting outside of the door, and a large 'bang' was heard. The door was wretched open and a broad figure rushed up, unlocking the shackles on your ankles.


They picked you up and hauled you onto their back and ran out of the room, and down the hall. You couldn't see their face but their voice sounded trust worthy. You nearly get to the exit when the person who is carrying you falls over. A bullet had struck his left arm, leaving a long, deep scut on his arm. But you couldn't do much before you blacked out but not before you felt a blinding pain in your shoulder. Screams echoed over and over again, but were they yours?

~~Dream Over~~Dream Over~~Dream Over~~Dream Over~~Dream Over~~Dream Over~~

"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!"

Your eyes snap open and you are met with Newt, shaking you. His face was full of fear and his eyes were wide, shining with with confusion. You felt cold sweat drip down your neck and a chill crept over your skin.

"Hmm, oh Newt, hey?"

"Y/N, what happened? "

"I had a nightmare."

" you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah, thanks."

Newt Sat down beside you and held your hand. You felt your cold palm immediately warm up as it touched his.

"I was in this room. It was very bright and white, and there was silver shackles around my ankles. I couldn't move then someone burst through the door, taking them off and carried me out. But then before we got out, they got shot and before a could help them I got hit aswell. Then there was a really terrifying scream."

"Wow...that sounds horrible..."

"And the worst part is, I think it's true."



You pull up the loose trousers you were wearing, to reveal a ring of scars around one of your ankles.

"Bloody Hell, Love."

"Indeed but- Hey, how did you know I was here?"

"Uh, I couldn't sleep and I decided to go on a walk and then I heard you scream and you know."

"You couldn't sleep...?"

"Gally's 'secret' recipe does not agree."

"Then me and Chuck are the only people smart enough to not drunk it."

"Yep. Hahaha." He chuckled softly.

Oh my, that laugh....Wait. Do I have a crush on Newt? I can't have, what about Minho?....I'll just leave it for now.

"Y/N, when Minho dragged you off earlier...what did he want to talk to you about?"

Oh no. The kiss.

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