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[Eloise's POV]

"The Strokes are cool and so are The Script but I have to say I'm in love with the Arctic Monkeys and Bon Iver." I grinned at Harry, he stuck out his tongue at me with mock horror.

The beginning of the ride was fairly awkward and silent but as the ride progressed, we'd opened up and talked more. Now we were laughing so hard we were both tearing up.

"Oh come on, Alex Turner is the definition of a sex-god!" I laughed.

"Sex-god?" Harry spurt out laughing, both of his hands were on the wheel.

"Yeah!" I smacked him on the arm playfully, "he's a delicious sex-godly babe"

"Aw c'mon, i agree that AlexTurner has the voice of a so called 'sex-god' but seriously, The Script are amazing!" Harry laughed.

"Mhmm" I shook my head, "Not in comparison to The Arctic Monkeys."

"I'm being serious." Harry laughed.

He pulled the car swiftly into the parking lot and the car came to a halting stop. He undid his belt buckle and slid out of the car door. I undid my belt and he had already opened the door for me.

"Ooh, Harry Styles shows off his gentlemanly side." I laughed earning a laugh from him as well.

"Hey, there's more sides to me than the script lover." He laughed.

He walked me into the condo and I noticed the receptionist greet Harry as well as me.

"You don't have to follow me home like a lost puppy." I joked.

"Nah, if I drove you this far, I need to make sure you get in safe." He grinned.

His pearly white smile was enough to make the butterflies in my stomach soar.

Ugh - no. I shouldn't be thinking about things like his perfect smile, his perfect hair, eyes, body or skin. It wasn't right.

After all, I'm sure he just wanted to be friends so I needed to stop thinking about his attractiveness like that.

Didn't he have a girlfriend or something?

I mean, a guy like him surely must have some woman by his side. I mean look at him. He's successful, attractive, young and can sing!

"What are you thinking about?" He asked suddenly when we stepped into the elevator, breaking my thoughts.

"Your girlfriend." I blurted out, immediately feeling myself turn a light pink.

God, now he probably thought I was desperate.

"Don't have one." He answered casually, "where'd that come from?"

"Well you asked me what I was thinking of and I was checking you out and then I thought that me think you were basically perfect is wrong because you have a girlfriend I mean why wouldn't you, you're successful and gorgeous. Not to mention you can sing and you're very nice." I blurted out all at once.

His face reddened and I felt my face blush beet red as well.

"Oh my god." I covered my mouth with my hand, "that didn't come out right I'm so sorry."

"You were checking me out." He stated, grinning to himself.

"No, no, no! I never said that" I shook my head.

"You were checking me out." His grin grew wider, "Admit it, you were checking me out."

"Nope." I turned away from him, "I didn't and I wouldn't."

"No problem, I mean, I was checking you out as well. Earlier, you know in the lingerie and now as well." I could hear it in his voice, he was smirking.

I turned around, redder than ever. He winked at me, a mischievous wink accompanied by eyebrow waggling.

He was checking me out. I felt happy and confident. He thought I was worth checking out and by the look on his face, I'm sure he enjoyed the sight.

I knew just what to say to make him beet red. It was his turn to blush.

"And I know you enjoyed it too, especially since someone" I shot his crotch a sky look, "got really excited during the photoshoot."

His face was one huge tomato - he was blushing so bad. His eyes were nervously roaming all over the place and his hand were shoved into his pocket.

"Think I didn't notice?" I asked giving him a wink.

"I hoped you didn't notice." He murmured quietly.

"Haha!" I laughed, "make me blush and I'll make you blush harder!"

"I'll make you pay...in due time." He smirked devilishly.

Something about his time of voice sent shivers down my spine. I quite liked that feeling. It was raw and full of secretive promise.

Before I could respond, the elevator had dinged open and we walked out.

"How'd you know what floor I lived on?" I asked amazed that he got the floor right and surprised that I didn't even know he'd pressed a button.

"Lets just say I've got a hunch." He smiled. He slid his hand across my back and planted it firmly at the base of my spine. He led me through the halls and to my door.

He took out a key, pointed it at me and grinned.

"I knew I recognized you from somewhere." He grinned, "Hey neighbor."

I felt my heart tighten.


Was he fucking kidding me?

"You can't be my neighbor." I laughed in denial.

"Oh but I am." He slid his key into his condo lock next door and it clicked open. He pushed the door open.



"Shouldn't you be living in some upscale London penthouse or something with your bandmates?" I asked, still bewildered.

"If you don't think this is upscale, then I don't think your definition of upscale is correct." He laughed. "We're grown men, we need our space to be manly."

"Is manly a code word for wanking?" I joked.

"Yeah - sometimes you just have to." He grinned right back, unafraid of telling the truth.

"Oh my god." My brain flashed quick images of Harry wanking and I cringed.

"You're thinking of me wanking, huh?" He laughed. "Hot."

I slapped his arm, "you're just so ugh!"

If I wasn't still red, odds are I was practically redder than ketchup by now.

"Come in for a drink?" He asked, bowing courteously.

"I think I should unpack." I started.

"Nope. Nada. Zilch. None of that." He pushed me inside his condo, "stay for one drink okay?"

"Fine. One drink and that too, because I live next door." I smiled. "Interesting decor."

His condo was very minimalistic and sleek. Everything was painted in blacks, grays, and whites. His accent wall in his living room was bright blood red.

There were photos of his family and his mates displayed across his walls.

His kitchen was small and perfect for one man.

He had in the center of he room a massive flat screen tv and video games, mainly FIFA.

He waltzed into the kitchen and I followed him.

He skillfully poured me out a glass of red wine and he himself had an appletiser.

"No wine for you?" I asked frowning.

'Sadly, I have an interview coming up and I need to be proper sobered up." He took a drink from his bottle.

"I think you just want to get me drunk." I laughed.

"Maybe." He grinned, "that's the plan."

He walked me over to the couch an I took a seat beside him.

"You know what's strange?" I said, pondering out loud.

"What?" He asked, looking over at me.

"I've only known you for a few hours yet I feel like I've known you forever." I stated shyly.

"Looks like Ellie's got a secret cheesy side along with her Arctic Monkey's loving side." Harry laughed.

He called me Ellie and I smiled. I thought it was cute of him to give me a nickname.

"No, seriously." I laughed, "I know it sounds cheesy but it feels like that."

"I know what you mean." He stated seriously, his green irises were pouring into my own. "I feel like I've known you forever. Like I know everything about you."

Unaware, his face was leaning in closer to mine and I panicked. I jumped up from my seat, startling him and looked at my empty wine glass.

"Well one thing you don't know about me is that my middle name is Imogene." I laughed. "I'm going to I wash this glass. I'll be back."

"Imogene....how do you pronounce that?" He grinned, "and just leave it in the sink"

"Ehm-oh-jean" I enunciated. "It's French."

I walked into the kitchen and I put the glass in the sink. Then I soaped up the sponge and began scrubbing the glass. I picked it up to wash It when I heard Harry sneeze loudly behind me.

I dropped the glass and it shattered into a million pieces on the floor.

"Shit." I swooped down to pick the pieces up. "You startled me."

"Just leave it." Harry said, lifting my body up.

"I broke it so let me clean it." I picked up more glass shards,"I don't want you getting cut because of me."

"Trust me, I'd rather get cut than have you cut."

"Fuck." I felt a sharp pain resonate from my finger and I looked to see what had happened.

In my finger was a large sharp shard of glass and surrounding it was blood. Not to mention my finger was spurting blood.

"Fucking hell." Harry seethed, his voice was barely above a whisper. "Get out now!" He ordered.

I felt my body tense up and I was scared. I froze in my spot. Why was he so mad and why was he so frightening?

"It's just a cut." I tried to make light of the situation but he backed away from me as if I was diseased.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out. Now." He ordered, his voice barely above a whisper."NOW!"

His once emerald green eyes were now a dark forest green. He looked more hurt and upset than viciously angry. His veins were practically popping out of his skin and his fists were clenched.

For some reason, it didn't seem like he wanted to be angry...in fact, he looked disappointed with himself instead of angry at me.

He looked away from me and I saw the heaving of his chest.

I didn't need any further instruction. I ran out of his condo and went straight into the comfort of my own condo.

I heard Harry banging the walls from my living room and I felt a shudder crawl down my spine.

What had gotten into him? What was wrong with him?

Blood Lust - A Harry Styles Vampire FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now