Chapter 1

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Candy huffed and puffed as she rushed from one side of what used to be a high school gym, to the other. Her legs bounded over the rocky floor, and she watched as her friend Katherine sprinted elegantly from on side to the next. 

Silhouette sprinted ahead of all of them, as he was the leader of their team. Which meant he was the most physically fit, and skilled member. The co-captain (whom also happened to be his girlfriend)wasn't too far behind.  

The girl rushed forward, sprinting ahead of them all, an impressive achievement, due to the fact, she was one of the weakest on the team. Sweetness's eyes went wide, and she winked, her feet pounding against the ground, and she touched the wall, and rushed back to the other one to touch it. 

Silhouette, exhausted from training, stopped running, and called out. "That will be the end of training for today, Miss Damini will be by later for support groups later." 

Candy and Katherine groaned. Support groups. It was for the 'less skilled' individuals, which meant they'd be doing more training with selective people from other teams. Darkness cheered giddily, glad practice was over. 

Silence, their dragon/human hybrid teammate however did not seem to appreciate this sudden ending of practice rolled his eyes. Due to his mute-like condition, he couldn't exactly express his feelings through words.

'Like me...' Candy thought walking to her room. 

Later that night Candy lay asleep, her hair tousled on her pillow. Her thoughts plunged into a dream-like state in her head. 

"Mama!" A girl ran down the hall, her long white hair dragging across the floor. Her father was nowhere to be found, and she heard an arguing in the kitchen. 

"I'm sick of the lies Anne!" Screamed her father, now visible to the young girl. 

"Reius!" Her mother began to babble fake-tears, her voice caught in a lie. "Why do you hate me so?!" She cried out, her crocodile tears failing to phase the man before her. 

The man rolled his eyes. "Shut the hell up! I saw you kissing that man! Now leave me alone! I'm going out!" Without a word of goodbye to the young girl, he slammed the door, a bag over his shoulder. 

"Mama, is Daddy coming home soon?" "Will he be back?" 

"Get out of here you stupid brat!" Shouted the woman, her hands clutching the young girl's hair. She threw her into the closet, and locked the door. 

"You're not coming out for a looong time!" Screeched the woman. 

The memory became more black and dark. Candy watched as the young girl was beat over the head by the mother, and one day the father came back. 

"Come on Candy, daddy's getting you out of here.." Cooed the man before her. The young girl ran to his embrace, but then he fell to the floor, blood leaking around his head. 

The girl screamed, as her mother held a gun, pointing it at her. The young albino sprinted away, crying and screaming. 

The woman chased her down the hall laughing psychotically. Then there was a loud bang and-

"NOOOOOO!" Screamed the albino, tears spilling from her eyes. 

It was just a dream... A nightmare, from her past. It haunted her still....

Like many things did...

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