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Annie's P.O.V

As soon as I arrived at school the next day, everyone had these yellow pieces of paper. Then Mackenzie Ziegler walked up to me and handed me one. "Maddie's Birthday Party this Saturday, Be there" she said and then walked of saying the same thing to other students who just walked through the door.

I grinned, happy I didn't have to watch Netflix and eat Ice Cream all day Saturday.

"You were invited too."

I looked up to see Jacob. "I think the whole school was invited" I chuckled. "Knowing the Ziegler's, they probably invited the whole city". He laughs a bit.

"What's their deal anyway why are they treated like royalty he - "

Before I could finish my sentence. A voice said "Because we are royalty".

Oh great the devil herself.

"Come on Jacob, You shouldn't be hanging out with her". Before Jacob could protest she had grabbed his wrist and pulled him up the stairs.

I sighed sadly. My first class today was History I think Brennan has that class too but I'm not sure.

I turned to my right to see Brennan. He was a little close so I stepped back.

"Hey Brennan, what's up?".
"I was wondering if you wanted to walk to class with me?" he

I sighed, I thought he was going to ask me on a date or something. "Sure".

He took my hand and I blushed and we walked to History together.


I think I have a crush on Brennan he's so sweet and cute.

Maybe he wrote me that love poem! I wacked my head.

As if Annie, he probably likes someone else, I thought.

I made my way to English class. I heard Brennan's voice.

I peeked around the corner and saw him kissing Maddie.
I don't know whether to cry or be angry at him. I guess we weren't dating I shouldn't be sad about this.

I had to go past them as my English was behind where they were kissing.

I cleared my throat. "Sorry this is my English class" I fake smiled.
Brennan's eyes widened as they saw me.

"Oh hi" he muttered. I ignored him and rolled my eyes.

"Wait Annie" he said. I turned around "What".

By now Maddie had left.

"That kiss meant nothing"
"And your telling me this why"
"I thought we were together kinda" he smiled but I didn't smile back.
"Who said I'd ever have feelings for someone like you".

He looked hurt and walked away.
I was wrong about Brennan. He's just another guy. He definitely didn't give me the letter.

I walked into my English Class.

"Julianna, why are you late" she frowned. "Sorry Miss, It won't happen again".

Avia was pointing at a seat beside her but I really just felt like going home and never leaving my bedroom again. I sat at the back of the class.

Not looking at anyone but I knew everyone was staring at me.


Stay tuned because I will be having an updating spree. So there are many more chapters to come!

Q1. Why do you think Brennan kissed Maddie

A1. I can't say Cuz I know the answer ;D


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