Enough To Tear Us Apart.

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*Josh's Point Of View*

So once me and Chris got dressed and ready we walked out towards my truck, I got in the drivers side and Chris got in the passenger side. "am I forgetting something? do I look alright?" I asked in a panicked voice. "no we have everything and yes dude you look awesome, lets just take our time and get there." Chris told me reassuringly, I nodded my head and I took a deep breath in starting up the truck. Just take your time Josh there is no rush, I told myself, but there was a rush I only have a short amount of time to see my princess.

*Tay's Point Of View*

Once we got home I looked at myself in the mirror, I was a mess but I knew I could work with it, I untied my hair and let my long curly black hair fall down my back, I played with it a bit and I looked in the mirror. "perfect." I mumbled to myself as I looked at my beachy waves, I took a deep breath in and I walked over to my closet looking for a cute little dress to wear, after about 5 minutes of staring I pulled out a black lace short dress with an opened back it was Josh's favorite, I laid it on my bed and i sat down at my vanity and stared at my face in the mirror. "why does he like me, I'm stupid and worthless." I said to myself and I let out a sigh, having a flashback from when I was 15 years old and diagnosed with depression I used to sit in the corner of my room and just stare at my wall completely blocking everyone out of my life, I wasn't worthy of anyone and I didn't deserve to have anyone, because once someone got close I would push them away, causing them and myself to hurt, till one day I met Nick, he was the boy who was my hero he saved me, or so I thought, we were best friends nothing could separate us and for once I was happy, Nick was always happy and out going, he never should signs of depression or he never had any suicidal thoughts, but that's just what I thought, the day I was going to Alberta he called my phone asking me not to go, but I told him I would only be gone for a few weeks, he told me he loved me and i told him I loved him to little did I know that was the last time I would hear that from him, Nick ended up ending his own life he took to many pills and overdosed, no one told me until I got home a day before the funeral I was a wreak and I ended up falling right back into depression, I tried to suck it up and act ok but it was to late I was far from ok, but unfortunately that's not the end of that flashback, when the flashback was over a few tears rolled down my cheeks and I took a deep breath in, I never told Josh about that because I was scared that he would be worried to be with  a freak, but I'm ok now, i think.

*Gloria's Point Of View* 

I got ready letting my dark brown hair flowing perfectly down my back as I slipped my white lace dress on with a beige belt around my waist, I threw some very light silver and brown eyeshadow on and  a pair of false lashes then I coated my bottom lid with eye liner I looked at myself in the mirror and I took a deep breath in nodding my head. "ok." I mumbled and walked out of the bathroom and over to Tay's room, I knocked on the door lightly. "can I come in?" I asked smiling. "um not yet I'm just changing." she answered back her voice a bit shaky but I thought it was just because she was nervous to see him. "ok I'll be in the kitchen come down when your ready." I said as I walked down stairs into the kitchen and I looked at the calender, wondering if the boys are ready yet.

*Taylor's Point Of View*

I started to do my makeup, some sparkly silver eyeshadow up top and some pink on my lid, I did the usual amount of mascara which is about 1000 coats and I coated my bottom lid with black eye liner, I took a deep breath in and stood up slowly taking off all my clothes and slipping on a black lace bra, I grabbed the dress and I carefully slid it on, I looked at myself in the mirror and I smiled, excited to see my boy.

*Josh's Point Of View*

So we got to the restaurant and of course the girl were not there yet so we waited for them out by the truck, a few minutes passed and I decided to call Tay she picked up. "hey babe where are you?" I asked. "we are on queen street, I'll ask G how much longer." it went silent for a second but she was back. "two minutes." she spoke softly. "ok baby I love you." she giggled. "I love you."

*Chris Point Of View*

I was so excited to see Gloria and just kiss her, we have been so close and I love it I wish we could be together all the time, she is always over at my house and I love it I feel so happy when she is around, as soon as I seen the truck pull in I got excited and I turned to look over at Josh but he was already walking towards the truck, I smiled he loves her so much you can see it in his eyes I'm just praying they make it through all the obstacles that are ahead.

*Tay's Point Of View* 

The mintue we pulled in Josh was already walking over to the truck my eyes sparkled as I seen him, h-hes just so perfect, as we parked he walked over to my door opening it smiling, I smiled back and I looked up at him. "you look so handsome." I smiled, he pulled me out from the truck andpressed his lips to mine. "and you look gourgeus as always." he whispered and I smiled, im so in love with this boy.

*Gloria's Point Of View*

Chris walked over to my side as I was getting out we smiled at each other and I giggled. "hey babe." he said as he tightly hugged me. "hey." I loved being in his arms i felt so save and warm like no one could hurt me, I didnt want this night to end.

*Josh's Point Of View* 

Me and Tay started walking in with G and Chris behind us, I held Tays hand tightly as we aproached the doors, she gasped lightly as we walked in and my eyes widened not expecting it to be this nice in her. "this is all for you baby." I whispered in her ear and she looked up at me caressing my cheek. "thank you." she whisperd back, the waiter came over and took my name and found our seats, me and Tay sat across from each other and G and Chris sat across from each other. "this place is beautiful." Gloria said. "not as beautiful as you." Chris whipsered and she giggled, Tay's eyes were wondering around looking at everyone as the waiter came she was facing the other way. "hi I am Quentin and I'll be your server today," Gloria gasped and grabbed Tay making her face the waiter, her eyes widened and so did his. "Taylor?" he said and she stood up walking over to him giving him a hug. "oh my god i havent seen you in forever, since the accident." he said, I looked over at G "Whos this? and what accident?" she looked back at them. "Tay will explain later." I glared at the sight of my girl being in the arms of someone else, I cleared my throat as they were talking and she looked at me. "oh yeah Quentin this is my boyfriend Josh." he smiled. "hey dude." I nodded and Tay gave me a weird look. "so how do you guys know each other?" I asked waiting for one of them to answer. "well we used to go out but something happened and we didnt work out as planned but we stayed friends." Tay explained to me, I felt rage filling my body what if there is still a connection? I asked myself. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air." I said quickly before standing up bascally running out of the resurant. "

*Tay's Point Of View*

"I'm going to go check on him, G you know what I want." I said quickly. "yeah I know what he wants to." Chris said, I nodded and quickly headed over to the doors and I walked out side bumping right into Josh's chest. "so your ex huh?" he said you could obviously tell he wasnt happy. "Josh he is just a friend there is nothing between me and Quentin."  tried to explain. "you dont see me talking to brittany!" he basically scareamed at me. "you dont understand!" I yelled right back. "he was there for me when no one else was, he was there when my bestfriend took his own life, he helped save me! and if you cant respect that me and him still talk then maybe we just shouldnt be together!" I yelled taking a deep breath in as I looked up at him, his eyes wide and his jaw fropped. "oh my god babe I'm so sorry I-I didnt know." I looked down feeling like a complete bitch for yelling at him. "I dont want to talk about this right now, lets just go inside and we can talk when we get home." I quickly pulled away and walked back inside with him following me like a puppy, I sat back down his fingers running past my shoulders as he took a seat. I cant lose him.

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